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MADISON BEER WASN'T USED TO THIS NEW ENVIRONMENT. It was too hot. New York wasn't ever this hot. Sometimes she wishes she could stay with her dad, but her dad's new girlfriend is intolerable. Her ultimate decision was then to live with her mother alongside her brother.

She hadn't expected a divorce, but when the time came, just a month ago, that's when everything had went to hell.

Number one. The move. After spending twenty one years of her life in New York, Madison's mother chooses to move to Arizona. Of all places, why Arizona? It was the least predicted place that Madison could've thought of. Her mom's reason behind it being a branch of her company was opening up in the Phoenix area, and they needed employees. It just so happened to be the perfect time for a change in scenery.

Although she wouldn't like to admit it, this also worked in the favour of Madison, who took a break year before deciding on post-secondary schooling. University of Arizona was in the middle of her list because of their law program, but Madison knew that it wasn't so much of a dream job, just a job that wouldn't get her by.

It's totally cliché, but she wants to be a music artist. She's a natural. Music is one of her talents that she's always willing to present, it's always been a big part of her life.

"Mads, help me with these boxes, will you?" Her mother calls from the driveway. The moving van is parked outside of her humble new abode. Madison stood inside of her empty living room, sun shining through the windows. This would take some time getting used to, it was nothing like her old house.

"Madison." Her mom says as she enters the front door carrying two boxes of her belongings. "Your stuff is labeled, there's a section of your boxes, can you grab it and bring them upstairs?"

Madison sighs and puts down her backpack, slipping her AirPods and phone into the front pocket. She heads outside, met by the midday Phoenix sun, and picks up her first box. It isn't as heavy as she assumed, so she stacks another light one on top of it to bring inside.

Sweat starts to bead along her forehead, catching her by surprise. She hardly sweats.

Suddenly she was hating Arizona more.

By the time the sun had set, the movers were long gone. All that stood in the family's driveway was their black SUV and Madison's car, which were delivered all the way from New York by a vehicle transportation truck.

Their house is a mess of boxes. A foldable table is placed in the center of where their dining room would soon be. Ryder sits there on a box, digging into a bowl of instant ramen. Madison and her mother sit on the floor eating the same. Everyone is hungry.

"Who ever knew moving was this hard?" Madison remarks, rubbing her eyes. "I call showering first."

Ryder raises his chopsticks in protest. "Already told mom I'm going first. You're second." He corrects her. His sister grumbles in response. "I hate it here even more."

"Hon, it's not like you've never seen this house. We've flown over twice before, and you said it was okay." Tracie interjects. "I don't see your problem."

"I just don't like it here. It's different." Madison says, lamely. "I miss New York."

"Don't we all?" Ryder chimes in. Madison glares at him in response. "Be quiet."

"You'll get used to it, I promise." Her mother comforts her, lightly patting her arm. "I'm giving you shower privileges first. Don't use all the hot water. Go, you stink."

Madison polishes off the rest of her noodles before racing upstairs to her new bathroom, much to Ryder's dismay, he was already finished his dinner.

A nice hot shower was all Madison needed to brighten her mood, just a little. She certainly felt a lot better, and a lot less sweaty than she did earlier on in the day. As she stepped out, she could still hear her mother and brother chatting away. A smile formed on her lips.

She's going to adjust, she knew that. Yes, it was going to take time, but if her mother and Ryder were happy, she was going to suck it up and be happy for them. Her small problems shouldn't have to disturb anyone.

With this new mindset, Madison held back complaints of her mattress being too hard, because that's what a good sister, a good daughter, would do.

I'm going to pre-write a bunch
of chapters so I can update
frequently!!! I hope people
read this, I'm spending a bit
too much time on it, but who cares.
I don't have anything better to do!

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