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MADISON GAINED A TOTAL OF THIRTY-SIX SUBSCRIBERS. Mostly because of the numerous shoutouts her friends had given her on their Instagram stories. It was enough to post her first cover, but she had to run some errands for her mom.

"I'm going to grab some milk now." She told her mother, who was attempting to assemble a dining table with the help of Ryder. Her mom nods. "You know where the CVS is?" Madison holds thumbs up. "Google maps. Also, we've been there before, one time."

Tracie smiles. "Alright. Love you, be safe!"

Madison takes her car keys from the counter and walks outside in the hot sun. Her jean shorts and were probably the best move, and would probably be an outfit she would be wearing most of the time. The weather wouldn't allow her to were any more. Now she kind of wished she hadn't worn a big sweater.

She cruises down her street, taking a left and continuing to drive down peacefully. She tried not to take moments by herself for granted, they were all very much needed.

Turning into the parking lot, she spots a familiar figure exiting the grocery story holding two bags.

It's Kelly Oubre Jr.

Madison races out of her car to "bump into him" for a chance at a photo. She does happen to get to him before he makes his way to his car.

"Hi, Kelly?" She asks, rather timidly. He looks up and smiles. "Hi!"

"I was wondering if I could have a photo, if that's okay with you." Madison's expression is hopeful, but bracing herself for a negative response.

"Sure, why not?" Kelly places his grocery bags down on either side of him. Madison breathes a sigh of relief. She quickly looks around for a place to put her phone, and settles on a ledge.

Madison sets the timer and takes one picture. "Thank you so much! That means a lot."

"No problem, kid." Kelly pats her shoulder before picking up his grocery bags and walking away.

He just called her kid. How embarrassing.

However, it was fine. She still got to meet Kelly Oubre and take a photo with him. Madison definitely was going to send that one to the group chat when she got home.

Madison picked up the milk and a a container of strawberries. She headed to the self checkout lane and prepared her card.

That day, she started hating Arizona a little bit less.

i'm not sure what to say
but yeah this one was
kinda short

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