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MADISON joins the FaceTime, instantly commenting on Carter's Toronto Raptors flag hung up behind his bed

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MADISON joins the FaceTime, instantly commenting on Carter's Toronto Raptors flag hung up behind his bed.

"You've made a good choice this year, Car."
She chuckles. Every year, Carter randomly picks a different team to cheer for, which isn't the Knicks. No one wants to be a Knicks fan, even some of those who live in New York.

Carter taps his chest. "I'm telling you, we're going to the finals!" He says, loudly.

The group laughs and Kaycee speaks up. "Poor Mads, moving from one shitty team to the other."

"The Suns won't be bad next year, I hope." She adds. "They May have had the worst record in the league last year, but what they don't have is James Dolan." She winks.

"James Dolan makes me want to become a Raptors fan." Brayden admits, eyeing Carter's flag. "Have any extras?" He asks.

Tatiana giggles. "You said you didn't want to join him."

"This is the year the Knicks win the championship." Madison mocks him.

"Mads definitely has it better than you." Carter says. "She has Kelly Oubre on her team."

"And a better chance of running into him on the streets!" Tatiana exclaims. "Madi, he's going to be your husband, just you wait."

"That's impossible." Madison waves off her best friend's thought. "I'm never going to be noticed by him."

"Anything's possible." Kaycee says.

"One thing that definitely isn't possible is me finding something to cure my boredom in this place." Says Madison, setting her phone down and lying facedown on her mattress.

"You should make a YouTube channel for your music. Whip out your keyboard or something and start singing." Brayden suggests.

"I already have a YouTube channel." Madison grunts.

"With no videos and no subscribers. I've seen it before." Tatiana speaks up. "You should do it Mads, your voice is incredible. Just do it for fun and see where it takes you. At least you'll be busy."

"Yeah, just do this as a hobby until you meet new friends." Carter says.

Madison mutters. "I don't like that word. New." She repeats.

"How about we say more instead?" Carter quickly adds. She nods in satisfaction.

"So it's settled? You're going to become the next big thing?" Kaycee asks, gleefully.

Madison lifts her head up from her mattress and squints at her. "I guess."

this and assistance
*chefs kiss* I've improved
a little

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