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- 016 FACETIME01/06/19

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"Wait. So he messaged you first?" Kaycee asks.

"Yes. Of course he did, I wouldn't have been brave enough to do it." Madison responds. She's sitting on her front steps. "He gave me his number."

"If you didn't save it then Kayce and Bray didn't raise you well." Tatiana deadpans, looking pointedly at Madison.

"They should date already." Says Madison. "Also yeah, I did. Who do you think I am?"

"Good girl." Remarks Tatiana.

"Rewind. Date Kaycee?" Brayden questions. "She has a boyfriend."

"I have a boyfriend." Kaycee replies.

"Not a good one. I know who he is." Madison says. "Kaycee tuck, you deserve Brayden Hollis." She declares.

"I second that." Carter chimes in.

"Brayden has a massive crush on you too." Tatiana says. "Date him."

"Can we go back to Madison, please?" Kaycee rubs her temples. "She's talking with a professional athlete and y'all are too worried about Brayden and I."

Bickering ensues. Playful jabs are thrown left and right until the five of them erupt into giggles.

"I wanna go home." Madison laughs.

"Make up your mind, you've said the opposite about ten times already." Carter teases her.

"It's a love-hate situation."

Brayden sighs. "I wish we could still hang out. Kinda sucks missing you."

Madison sighs. "Don't feel bad about leaving me out, I can't do much about it anyways."

"Always there in spirit." Tatiana says, earning a giggle from her best friend.

"Of course."

chase and charli broke

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