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AT FIRST HE DIDN'T REMEMBER HER. However, a second look at the singing video proved to him that it was indeed the girl he had taken a picture with at the CVS. Kelly easily found out she was much older than he had originally figured, just by a quick trip to the comments.

To show his support, he leaves a friendly emoji as a comment. This girl, Madison Beer, was pretty talented. She was also pretty, pretty, too. There was something about her that drew his attention. Kelly didn't notice this when he first bumped into her, but he was now.

As his notifications started to pile in, the athlete continued to debate whether he should slide into her DMs or not.

It wasn't like it mattered if he got rejected, there were always other girls. Madison Beer, on the other hand, she was something different.

This was a weird feeling for Kelly, no way he was falling for a girl he had only met for ten seconds in person. How come, all of the sudden he felt apprehensive to make conversation with a normal girl.

"Oh, fuck it." He says out loud. Madison seemed pretty excited to meet him, hopefully she would feel the same if he messaged her. It was rare for Kelly to have these interactions with girls he knew almost nothing about, but he felt like a risk-taker that night.

A few moments of retyping his message, an Instagram direct message was sent. All that was left for him was waiting. A lot of waiting.

Girls aren't always known for opening these messages right away. A couple minutes of staying on "delivered". Or maybe a couple of hours, it depends on their mood.

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SHE WAS BEYOND ECSTATIC, MAYBE WITH A TINGE OF NERVOUSNESS. Recent events have proven to Madison Beer that quite a lot can happen in a short amount of time. Barely a week living in Phoenix and she's already:

1. Got tweeted out by Justin Bieber and went Viral.

She wasn't expecting that to happen, but maybe her friends do have the ability to tell the future. Madison certainly heard it from them during a long FaceTime call.

2. Met a celebrity.

Again, this happened as predicted by her friends. Sometimes she should start to take their advice more often.

3. Had said celebrity slide into her Instagram DMs.

Now, this was a case no one predicted. After her silent freak-out, and a lot of screenshots sent, Madison decided that this particular DM needed at least three to seven hours of delivered time. She would sleep on it, then make her decision.

This move goes against what mostly everyone is instructing her to do, and by everyone, she means her New York friends. Who else? She wasn't very close with anyone other than them.

That was problem she needed to fix. Madison needed more friends, and preferably friends that lived in Phoenix. In order for the problem to be solved easier, a job would need to be obtained by Madison, and what better job to get than one in retail? Or one at Dunkin Donuts, this would take a lot of research.

Things were turning around for her, and she enjoyed that. Change isn't a whole lot bad sometimes.

this story makes me
happpy!! along with
assistance I love assistance

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