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MADISON DIDN'T DRESS UP. It was a casual meeting between two new friends. However, her friends nor her family saw it like that. Ryder was pumped. "Kelly Oubre is going to be my brother in law!" He told their mom, who eventually found out due to Ryder's ginormous mouth.

Madison tried not to mind, as long as she and Kelly knew that they were just friends, that was all that mattered, and plus, everyone knew that Madison wasn't the type of girl to be attracted to someone that easily. It took time for her to get to know the person. Yeah, Kelly was attractive, and he did have a personality, but Madison didn't exactly know him. Yet.

Starbucks at the intersection of Adams and 1st. She kept repeating in her head. Waving goodbye to her mom who was gardening out front, she hopped into her car and put the location on Google Maps. It would take some time for Madison to get familiar with the area.

A few wrong turns and car honks later, she successfully made it to her destination, a few minutes early. Sending a text to her new friend, she walked into the Starbucks and sat at a table.

Shortly after, Kelly walks in, scanning the area around him. He spots Madison and waves, heading over to her. They greet each other with a friendly hug and sit down.

"I'm hungry." Is the first thing Madison says. "Would you mind if I- ordered something now?"

"Madi, it's a café. I think that's the whole point." Kelly laughs at her, crossing his arms on the table. He's satisfied with his new nickname for her.

She sighs and gets up. "You want anything?"

"Nah, I'm not hungry. Go get your food." Kelly waves her off playfully and she smiles.

Madison comes back to their table holding an iced coffee and a sandwich. In less than three minutes, she scarfs down the sandwich. A seemingly apologetic look spreads on her face as she glances up at Kelly. He laughs again. "When i day I'm hungry, I'm hungry. Let's walk."

They get up, Madison sipping her iced coffee on their way out of the shop. He holds the door for her and she thanks him with a nod.

"Wanna walk down to the arena? It's only a few minutes away." Kelly points ahead of them. Madison nods and follows him, who continues to talk. "We're gonna get you to go to one of these games when you have time. Pick a team to watch."

"The Knicks."


"No, you know I'm kidding." She rolls her eyes. "Milwaukee. I like Giannis." Madison admits.

Kelly raises his eyebrows. "That'll sure be an interesting game." He remarks, scratching his head. The brunette nods. "I chose it for a reason." She winks. "Hey, we're here."

He didn't lie, the arena wasn't really a far distance away. Maybe Madison would consider getting a job at that Starbucks. She looks at her surroundings and takes it in. "Still not as good as MSG." She says. "A for effort, though."

Kelly follows her gaze. "I guess so."

"You know what I've always dreamed of doing?" Madison continues. "Selling out MSG."

"Would be kind of funny, Madison selling out Madison Square Garden."

The brunette turns to smile it him. "That's the whole point." She takes one last look at the arena in front of her. "Got anywhere else to take me?"

Kelly pauses to think for a quick second, continues to walk, beckoning her to follow. "There's this place only a few minute's walk away. Lots of restaurants."

"That's my kind of place!"

"This specific one has, uh, a lot of alcoholic beverages? But a bomb-ass Taco Bell."

"I'm twenty, Kells." Madison remarks flatly. "I don't drink, and I don't plan on drinking much." This earns a grin from the athlete. "So innocent."

"Is that a bad thing?" She inquired. He shakes his head. "Not at all, not at all."

After checking out the area with the "bomb-ass Taco Bell" , Kelly decides to bring her to yet another food based area, this time with a couple shops. It's only another five minute walk away.

"There's a lot of- food places." Madison pants. It's already midday and the sun is at its hottest. "Can we cool off for a bit?"

Kelly nods, reaching out his hand to her. She takes it and he leads her to a table and two chairs underneath a canopy. Madison polishes off the last bits of her iced coffee, amazed at herself that it lasted this long.

"Thoughts, comments, concerns?" Kelly asks her. She tilts her head. "Concern. Media."

"What?" He asks her. "Say that again?"

"Media. What if someone took pictures of us out? What if someone's taking pictures now?" Paranoid, Madison scours the surrounding area.

"It doesn't matter. If they have pictures of us, they have pictures of us. We're just two friends, out. Nothing to be concerned about here." Kelly reassures her. "Any real concerns?"

"No. You're a good tour guide."

"It's been a pleasure touring you around my city, Miss Beer." Kelly says jokingly. Madison giggles. "Thank you."

one am and I am writing again.
tell me why this chapter took so

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