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madison beerI saved it

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madison beer
I saved it.

kelly oubre
i've noticed

madison beer
just thought u would
like to know

kelly oubre
so how r u

madison beer
lmao could be better

kelly oubre
wanna talk about it?

kelly oubre
I give good advice sometimes

madison beer
"sometimes" lol

madison beer
but sure

madison beer
i'm just being a dramatic asshole
but the move has kinda been really
hard for me?? like I keep having mixed
feelings, on good days i'm loving Arizona
but then five minutes later I hate it here
and I wanna go home

madison beer
not to mention the night where I'm up
thinking about what I missed and how
my friends are gonna be having so
much fun without me

madison beer
I know it's stupid but it just sucks

kelly oubre
hey i've felt the same way

kelly oubre
I had to move from Washington
to here

kelly oubre
and honestly when I got out and
just took a look at all the good things
in the area it really helped me
settle in

kelly oubre
ofc making some friends in the
area would be good too

madison beer
haha I have none

kelly oubre
I mean you have me?

kelly oubre
here how about we meet up
one time and I can be like ur
tour guide

kelly oubre
if that's good with u?

madison beer
i'd like that, it's not like I
have anything better
to do loool

madison beer
when are u free?

kelly oubre
tomorrow at twelve? i'll text u the
starbucks to meet at

madison beer
didn't know you like starbucks

kelly oubre
first things that came to mind

kelly oubre
so we're on for tomorrow?

madison beer
yeah ✌️😎

madison beer changed "kelly oubre" to "kells🌊"

kells🌊 changed "madison beer" to "madi💐"

left foot up right foot slide

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