Chapter 1

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PS: Yes ik my art sucks but whateva
Warning: Some Toxic Phrasing
Saying Uila Naga was incredibly nervous, would be the understatement of the year. She not only would see her brother, whom she hadn't seen since he was a wee little tot, but her parents. Her parents had an obvious dislike for her, only being kind to her when they needed money or wanted to go on Lavish cruises.

Her brother, as she remembered, was loved dearly. Him not only having Papa Hala to take care of him, but parents who would actually take care of him. She paced anxiously, mentally preparing herself for what was about to come. She halted when Raihan grabbed her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. She turned to him and smiled gratefully, leaning onto him slightly. Sycamore had run off with the kids to research Dynamax pokemon in their dens, so it was only her and Raihan. She sucked in a breath in when she noticed a familiar shirtless figure. Raihan squeezed her hand, noticing her tension. "Relax, you'll be fine. I'm here too, don't forget that." She let out a shaky breath, forcing herself to relax and put on a smile as they walked through the doors.

Kukui waved lazily. "Alola champ, Raihan. Thanks for coming to get us." Uila shook her head, noting that the group was behind him quite a bit. "It's no problem, we had quite an extensive break. We wanted to be wel-" She was silenced as the air was knocked out of her lungs and she fell to the floor, having been barreled into at the speed of light by her little brother. His arms were hugged tightly around her, face planted firmly on her collarbone. She heard soft sobs coming from him and restrained the tears she was forming, rubbing his back softly. After a moment, she stood up, shifting the hug to being more comfortable. "Hey Hau, it's alright." Raihan gave her a look that read: 'You alright?', to which she nodded. Hau separated from the hug just as his classmates and parents rushed over.

"Hau! You can't just go running off like that you could have-" Her mother, Mila, started raising a finger to scold him, before stopping abruptly at the sight of her daughter. Her face went pale, and so did her husband. Hau's friends seem to ignore it, scolding him lightly. After a few moments Uila claps to get the class' attention. Their heads snap to her and she waves lightly. "Hey guys, my name is Uila, and I'm the current champion of this lovely Region. This is Raihan, the 8th Gym Leader and the Region's finest Dragon-Type user." He waved lightly, giving a side smile that showed off his fangs. Mallow silently screeched, while Lillie and Lana just turned a light pink. "We came here to personally greet you and help you get to your first destination, Hammerlocke. You'll be staying near a group of Kalosians, so I hope you do get along well." A pale haired girl raises her hand shyly. "Miss Uila?" "You don't have to put the Miss, Uila is just fine, and what is it?" She raises a brow, smiling softly. "Where are we staying exactly?" Uila smiles. "The vaults. They contain the most important pieces of Galar's history. There are quarters already built in there, we assume from the Imperial age for the knights and servants who took care of the place." She turns to Raihan, who was putting his phone away. "You called the Taxis right?" He raised an eyebrow. "Who do you take me for, Leon? Of course I called the Taxi." She huffed. "Well I didn't know Mr. Social Media King." She sighs. "Anyway, instead of the ride pokemon that you may be used to, we have Flying Taxis. They are pretty efficient, and can carry many people and/or pokemon." Her mom scoffs. "They don't seem that efficient to me, where are they." Uila smiles. "They should be here right about now." As if on cue a set of 3 taxis land in front of them. Uila looks at the pilots atop the large bird. "The Hammerlocke Gym, for all of us please." They nod, and Hau wastes no time in asking to ride with her, and she couldn't say no.

That's how it ended up with Raihan, Kukui, Hau, and Uila all sharing a taxi. It wasn't awkward, especially with Raihan responding to Hau's questions happily and Hau looking excitedly out of the windows. When he spotted Hammerlocke his eyes widened. "It's a castle?!" He almost shrieked, causing the occupants to laugh. "Yes, the city itself is a castle, and the gym is located inside where the palace would be." Raihan explained. "That's so cool!" The pilot's voice came on over the intercom, letting us know we will be landing soon.

The taxi landed in front of the gym, and Uila paid them before they responded to other calls. The students were looking around excitedly, and Uila's parents were muttering to themselves. "Anyway, Raihan, you down for giving them a quick tour of the Arena? It might help them calm their nerves about the battling." He nods. "Alright, Raihan will be giving you guys a tour of the Arena, so please stick close. I have to get home, I have a professor in training to meet with along with food to cook." Her parents hung behind a bit, and once everyone was out of view, Uila's father pointed a finger at her. "What are you bribing that poor soul with?" She raises a brow. "Who?" Her mom rolls her eyes, pointing a manicured finger at her. "That Gym Leader guy. He wouldn't hang out with the likes of you, so what are you paying him with." Uila furrows her brow, slightly amused by her parent's actions. "I-I'm sorry? You think I am bribing him?" Her mom rolls her eyes. "Obviously, how else would you be friends with such an attractive guy when you're so, ugly." Uila rolls her eyes. "Listen, I don't have time for this. If you would like, I can show you to your room at the vault, or you can go on the tour with Raihan. I am not dealing with this today." Uila's mother snarled.

"You ungrateful bitch!" People around them were watching now, as their champion got yelled at by a woman she vaguely resembles."We give you everything you could want and you go ahead and toss us aside." Uila rolled her eyes. "One, you stopped caring about me the moment Hau was born, probably even when you found out you were pregnant. Two, the most that you gave me was a roof and an occasional meal. I left because it was toxic, now what would you like to do? I have places to go and people to see." Her dad grunts, teeth clenched in agitation. "We would like to speak with you at your house." Uila sucked in a breath through her teeth. "That's going to be a negative. Do you want to go to your place of stay or on the tour with Raihan?" Her mom huffs and sticks up her nose. "We already told you." It was as if luck was definitely on her side, as a hand on her shoulder took their attention away from you to a Black-Haired Professor. "What's going on here?" Her mother took advantage of the fact that she thought that the man had no past with her. "She took everything from us and left!" Uila's eyes widen. "So that's the story now? Anyway, Augustine, I have to meet with Hop back at the house, could you and Garchomp escort them to the vault?" He nods and catches the keys she threw at him. "Room 26." He nodded and smiled. "Alright, just save me a piece of cake." He says teasingly. "Yessir, that is if Hop hasn't eaten it all." Augustine laughs. "Anyway, you head home, I'll get them to the vault." "Uh, no, we are going with her!" Augustine shakes his head. "No, she gave you plenty of opportunities. Now, we are heading to the Vault, unless you would like Officer Jenny to help too?" Uila holds back a snicker at Augustine's sass and threats and she runs off to get to her house, entering and noting that Hop was already sitting at the table.

He took one look at her and sighed. "That bad huh?" Uila shook her head. "No, the student's and Hau were fine, it was my parents that were the problem." Hop rolls his eyes. "You're lucky I owe you one. Let's just hope they don't get on Gloria's bad side like Rose did. We know how that ended." Uila huffed. 'A fractured cranium, broken and dislocated jaw, popped blood vessels, broken teeth. He stayed in the hospital for a while before getting the boot.' Uila sighed. "You are going to have a total of 12 kids with you, then Kukui and the Parents." Hop smiles. "I'm just glad Sonia is letting me do this to get some field research in."

He thinks a moment before his eyes light up. "Right! Sonia asked me to give you this." He handed over a black bracelet with a red x in the center. "It's a Dynamax band, It's our congratulations gift, it just took us a while to get a good wishing star to use, due to Swordward and Sheilbert."Hop rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and Uila sweatdropped. "Yeah, those two weirdos. Ugh, they, ew." Hop chuckled, checking his watch before groaning. "I have to catch a Taxi, Sonia is asking me to head to the Slumbering Well to get some samples. Anyway, I'll let Gloria and Victor know. We'll begin with them after the opening ceremony." She nods. "Sounds good. Good job Hop. You'll be a fine Professor." He blushed and scratched the back of his head. "I still have a while to go, but I sure hope so."

He left and then Uila cracked her knuckles, ready to make the best damn curry the Region had seen.

Love Like Lightning (Pokemon SwSh Raihan) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now