Chapter 10

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*Warning* Arguments, and some slightly religion based word use.

Uila placed a pleasant smile across her lips as she invited the group into her and Raihan's home. After about 2 hours of bickering she had gotten all of the visible marks covered and was able to stand, somewhat. She set out the plates for dinner and Hau rambled excitedly about his Gym Battles. Her parents were observing their place with a scowl etched onto their face, seemingly in a sour mood. Uila heard the timer ding and she went to the kitchen to pull out the food, which was Lasagna. It was last minute and she wanted an easy meal, can you blame her? She cut it into several pieces and brought it to the table, before heading back into the kitchen to grab the pitcher of water.  When she headed back out, her mother 'accidentally' bumped into her, causing the frigid water to go down her front, and make her white top go semi-transparent. Uila froze before covering her chest, rushing to their bedroom to change. Uila's mother noticed several of the marks on her daughter's chest and smirked evilly.

    Mila walked unnoticed to the couples shared room, barging in without a second thought. Uila scrambled to cover herself. "What the actual fuck do you htink you are doing?" Her mother just smiled softly. "I came to check on you. It seemed like you got mauled by some sort of wild pokemon with all of those bite marks." Uila rolled her eyes. "I am not having this conversation right now. Get out." Mila just shook her head. "I would rather not." She rolled her eyes annoyed, going into the connected bathroom to swap out her shirt and pants. She was sure to lock it, and she was glad she did as the doorknob rattled. "I'm not leaving until you tell me what happened to you dear." Uila grit her teeth. "Fuck. Off." Her mother let out a fake gasp. "I am just concerned for your well being, and this is how you treat me?"

    Uila pulled out her phone, texting Raihan to come and get her mom so she could change in peace. A few moments later the bedroom door was opened and Mila questioned why Raihan was in a lady's room, before she started to protest at him asking her to leave. Eventually she was dragged out and Uila changed into a now black top and blue jeans. She huffed and made her way back outside, where her parents were arguing with Raihan and the Professors over more private topics. Uila quickly shooed the kids out of the house with Lucario and Garchomp, giving Hau a little money to buy them some sweets.

    Uila met up with the people arguing. "Why is it so hard for you to respect privacy?" Kukui almost shouted, fingers pressed to his temples frustratedly, mouth twisted into a frown. "I wasn't violating her privacy! I was just being a good mother who was concerned!" Her mother waved her arms in front of her. Sycamore almost laughed. "Right, like you had been a good mother for almost Uila's entire life?" Her mother looked taken aback. "I've always been a good mother! What are you talking about?" Kukui scoffs. "Yeah, when? The most you gave her was a shirt on her back and an occasional meal." Uila felt panic rise in her throat but for herself to be relaxed. "So tell me, why did you feel the urge to barge in on me changing after dumping water down my front?" Her mother rolls her eyes. "I was concerned! I saw those bite marks and grew worried! Now I know it was all done in an act of sin!" Uila rolled her eyes. "Why does it concern you? It's my body isn't it?" Her mother was about to reply but she raised a hand. "I honestly don't give a fuck about what you want to say. You began to talk about this in front of children, and you started an argument inside of my home. Get the fuck out. I hope you remember where the vaults are and have enough money for dinner." Uila wasted no time in pulling them out of the house, before leaving to get the kids. Her anger was at an all-time high, but she forced herself to calm down.

    She found the group surrounded by a group of Team Skull grunts. She pushed down the bile in her throat and cracked her knuckles. "Ey knuckleheads. What do you think you are doing?" The trio look at her. "Mind you business lady." Uila's eye twitched. "Listen here buddy. My anger is at a dangerously high level right now, I suggest you leave unless you want to face the wrath of the resident champion." They paled before bowing. "S-sorry. We don't have a bone to pick with ya, we'll just be leavin'." She snarled. "And thell that asshole boss of yours to go fuck himself."

    She huffed, garing at them as they scampered off. She smiled, turning to the kids, Lucario and Garchomp immediately at her side. "Are you guys alright?" Clemont nodded, pushing his glasses up. "We are fine, we were about to head into the shop when they approached us." She nodded. "Well then, let's have a look at what they have." She helps them for the next half-hour pick out an assortment of sweets, between chewy candy to extremely sour candy, there was a large bundle. On the way back Hau tapped on Uila's shoulder, and she turned to him with a smile. "Yes Hau?"

    "Why were Raihan and the Professors arguing with Mom and Dad?" Uila sighed. "They did some stuff that they weren't supposed to do, and thought that it was alright to do so." His eyebrows furrowed. "They weren't nice to you were they?" Uila shook her head. "They weren't, but I am glad they are good to you. You deserve it." Uila could tell their classmates were listening in. "Was that the reason you left Alola?" That caught the Kalosian's attention and Uila sighed. "It's part of the reason. My Ex-Boyfriend was a really big jerk, now let's get you guys some actual food and get you settled down for the night eh?"

She hoped her parents learned their lesson. As it would become apparent quickly to her, they didn't.
Whooo boy, y'all ain't ready for the next chapter I can guarantee that.

Anyways, feel free to give me some critique on how this story is going.

Something you want to see?

What you like?

What you hate?

Let me know! Also, thanks for all of your support, it means a lot.

Love Like Lightning (Pokemon SwSh Raihan) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now