Chapter 15

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"Come on Uila! You said we would be leaving 5 minutes ago!" Hau practically yelled, dragging her out of the house. His classmates and the Kalosian kids were waiting. "I'm coming Hau, calm down." She pulled her bag tighter around her, straightening herself and smiling at the students. "Everyone have their camping gear?" Hau rolled his eyes. "Yes! Now come on before Raihan changes his mind and decides to come with us!" "Wow, and I went out of my way to bring you some Malasadas to enjoy on the way." A voice speaks up behind them. Uila chuckles as Hau struggles to recover. "Relax, it's totally fine. I get you want some quality time with your sister, and I've been around her for the most part, so you deserve a good camping trip with her and your friends." He hands the package to Uila, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "You have fun, don't forget to send me some photos from time to time." She nods. "Will do, you keep Kukui and Sycamore in check, and we'll see you in a week."

    They make their way down the steps of Hammerlocke and into the Wild Area. "We'll be set up by the watchtower ruins. It'll take a half-day trek to get there, so feel free to talk." Mallow instantly stepped forward next to Uila. "Hey Uila?" Uila turned to the green-haired girl. "Yes Mallow? What's up?" Mallow pondered her next words carefully. "What were the trials like for you?" Uila hummed. "It was fun, and at the time we didn't have to worry about Team Skull." Uila looked up, a far-off look in her eyes. "It was great, because I had my chance to prove that I was something to my parents, and I got to travel with my best friends at the time." She smiles softly, fiddling with her Z-Band. "During the Akala Trials I began dating Guzma, and Kukui was supportive enough. After defeating Olivia, who was just barely older than we were, we moved onto Ula'Ula, where Guzma got stuck. He couldn't continue after losing to Totem Mimikyu. He grew angry, snapping at Kukui and I before going back to Melemele Island. Kukui and I continued our challenge, before facing each other after the annual Trial to determine Alola's Strongest after Poni. I won and that's when things began going downhill. Both Guzma and My Parents were stealing funds, and they left 12 year old me with a 4 week old Hau." Mallows eyes widened. "Then came Aether, forcing me to go out and catch Ultra Beasts for their own gains. They hid it under the guise of wanting to protect Alola, but I crept in and saw what they were doing to the poor creatures." Lillie looked down, eyebrows furrowed. "Eventually I got tired of the treatment and left. Regardless, my Trials were really fun, and I became Kukui's best friend along the way." She turned to the students, who were looking at her wide-eyed.

    "Wow! You are really strong Uila! Not just in pokemon battles!" Ash exclaimed, and Uila laughed. "I don't think of myself that way, but thank you Ash. I've just grown from my experiences, and pushed the past behind me, although I could never forget my little brother." Uila grabbed him around the neck and gave him a rough noogie. He smacked her hands away with a pout. "Hey! What was that for?" Uila just grinned. "I was showing you affection. What, is that not allowed?" He blushed. "Not in that way!" Uila laughed. "So you guys are almost in your teen years, any boyfriends or girlfriends yet?" Mallow grinned, nodding her head at the Kalosians. "Not yet, but I have some plans." Serena glanced at Ash out of the corner of her eye, and Uila smirked. "I like the way you think Mallow." Mallow grinned.

    Eventually Uila was convinced into letting out a few Flying-Type pokemon so they could reach their destinations quicker. After a good while of flight, Uila motioned for them to be landing. Uila slid off of Garchomps back and nuzzled her pokemon affectionately. Garchomp crooned and chortled happily, causing Uila to laugh as she rubbed and scratched at her head. She returned the flying-types and stored them away properly. She took off her bag, pulling out tenting supplies, looking at the group, who were watching her. "Yes?" Kiawe was the first to snap out of it. "Sorry, but you two seem very close." Uila nods, scratching under Garchomps chin, smiling at the small cheer from the pokemon. "Yeah, Garchomp was the first pokemon I caught in Kalos, it was before my time as an Elite 4 member." Ash and Hau almost fell over. "You were an Elite 4 member?!" They practically yelled in sync, and Uila sweatdropped. "Uh, yes? I thought you two would have known. I was the Dragon-Type Elite 4 before switching it over to Electric-Types." She explained, and Hau's eyes lit up. "That makes you that much stronger eh?" She chuckled, ruffling his hair. "I guess so."

    There was a brief moment of silence before stomach rumbling was heard from all of them. Uila held back her laughs as she pulled out her cooking kit. "You guys can set up your tents, I'll get to work on some curry. Feel free to go ham on the Malasadas, just keep others in mind." After getting their tents set up, Serena and Mallow joined Uila and Lucario, who was grumpy from being put in his pokeball when he wouldn't wake up for the journey. They eat in silence before Lilly shrieks at the sight of a Haunter, who was attracted to the scent of the curry.

    The rest of the day was spent with Hau and Ash dragging the group around to the varying dens, excited to try their hands at a raid battle. In the end, they got smoked, literally. Mostly because they refused to get any advice from Uila, and the next thing the group knew, Ash was leaving covered in soot and a cackling Hau was following him. Uila smiled at the group, who were conversing with one another idly, a warmth enveloping her chest. She turned to watch the sun set across the open field.

    What an exciting day.

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