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After the necessary stroll through the park, David led me straight to our room and guided me onto the large bed. He cupped my cheeks before asking,

"Are you able to talk with Dawn? I can handle it alone if you'd like."

I nodded eagerly. "I wanna do it together. I need to know what exactly happened."

"I'm worried about you."

I took his hands. "When are we not worried about each other?"

"This is different." His eyes saddened. "This is your mental health; something surgery can't repair."

"Well, thank God I know a wonderful psychologist."

David stood tall, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "You tell me never to treat you like a client, but only as a husband. And you're right. That's why, just like your job, treating a family member isn't recommended. I'm..." he sighed, averting his gaze from mine. Then with a shrug, he said, "emotionally invested in you."

I smiled softly, toying with my wedding ring. "Clearly."

His stormy eyes met mine once again and he looked so helplessly in love that my stomach fluttered. "By that, I mean I'd be a sobbing mess if I treated you as my client."

I bit my lip, considering his view. He wasn't wrong. I couldn't ask him to be my therapist and remain professional about it, then be my husband after a session.

David took a step closer. "If you'll let me, I want to find someone capable and competent enough to be your therapist. That way, you can have someone to speak to without the pressure of me being around to hear. You should feel an absolute sense of comfort and security. This is about you. As for me, I will support you as your family. What do you think?"

I fidgeted with my hands while pondering over it. Then I stood up, wringing my hands. "I'll think about it. I'm not ready to see anyone just yet. Somehow, keeping my feelings in is easier for now."

"Until they weigh you down. I'd advise you not to wait too long."

I simply nodded. Even though I admitted my depression, I didn't want to dwell on it. "Let's go speak to our daughter. I'm itching to get to the bottom of all this."

He didn't push, and we were on the same page as we headed to her room. I smiled immediately when I saw her playing with her large cooking play set, wearing a white chef's hat.

"What's my little baker making?" David gushed, swooping her up in his arms as her hat fell. She giggled excitedly as I picked up the white hat and placed it atop the fake stove.

"I made biscoitos!"

"Oh, cookies! My favorite! Come, let's sit over here for a second then after, I'll help you bake."

He carried her over to her canopy bed and sat her down before sitting beside her. I made an attempt to give her forehead a kiss but she whined and swiftly dodged it, crawling into her Dad's arms to avoid me. The sting of her denial was prominent, as she'd never done anything like that before.

"Dawn?" I called, knitting my eyebrows together in confusion. I exchanged surprised glances with David and he sighed.

"Baby, what's the matter?" Her face was set in a tight expression as she refused to answer. She gripped him firmly, burying her head closer to him.

"She's not interested in speaking to me," I said, feeling helpless as I failed to suppress my tears. I stood up and said, "I'll let you handle it." Then I promptly left her room.

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