Why doesn't anyone make these?

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   Trepidation, distress, scare, fright, anxiety, panic.  All synonyms with fear.  You probably think you know what it is to be truly terrified. 
But have you ever walked into your very own backyard, sat and enjoyed nature's beauty until you realized the outside doesn't come with ac so moved toward your door and immediately froze?  Every limb in your body becoming immobilized in the blink of an eye?  Sobbing but not quite capable of forming coherent enough words that people can understand or even hear you?  Every breath merely a short gasp as sweat beads and slowly pours over in small droplets?  All because a tarantula lurked in a shadowy corner next to your door?  In your mind if there is one in that spot they could be anywhere.  All around you.  So you simply stand paralyzed by something you know rationally that you could walk by and it never so much as twitch a pincer in your direction? Have you ever experienced the living hell that is a phobia?
No? Well prepare to take a glimpse into the mind of one who has felt what true horror and suffers through that feeling every moment of every day. I'm sure you'll find it amusing.

Hey peeps this is a summery of sorts. I know this is short but I thought I'd give y'all a feel for the idea. If you think it sounds cool I'll keep writing! If you don't I won't so let me know. Also I was not meaning to use the word hell as a curse word so much as a reference to a very bad place so if you're worried about there being cussing in this book based off of that don't be.  I don't use salty language.  The creepy picture above will not be the usual either but I was trying to be real considering the topic.  LATER!!!

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