Chapter 3

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                  Lulu Punchalower's POV
   After Garrisons video chat with Madeleine Masterson...

   I wasn't perfectly clear on the whole thing but Maddie seemed to be having some issues and was completely unaware of them.  Except for maybe her hurt at Garrison going on a date.  Why the idiot told her?  Guess I'll never know.

   "Hey Theo!"


   "Get in here!"

   "Why?"  He asked walking into the room.  We were at his place.  A slightly run down little house in Manhattan. 

   Theodore Bartholomew had lost most of his girth when he hit his growth spurt and was now trying to think of a way to get 'beefed up' as he put it without actually having to exercise.

   "I don't know maybe 'cause I told you to?"  I snapped gesturing for him to sit.  He did.  "What's up?" 

   I rolled my eyes.  "The ceiling."  I stared irritably.  Theo sighed impatiently.  " Kay then what's going on?"  I rolled my eyes again but answered, "Madeleine has a study partner who has a major crush on her which is making Garrison jealous.  Garrison just went on a date with some random airhead from his school which made Madeleine cry.  They're both upset and jealous but neither will admit those feelings to the other person.

   "Garrison thinks Madeleine is to smart for him now and he hasn't got a shot anymore.  Madeleine thinks that he's in a happy relationship and is sad that it isn't her.  If I cared I'd be saying we should fix this but since I don't it's not really a problem.  I just wanted to get you caught up so I wouldn't have to deal with the questions later."

   Theo nodded.  "Uh-huh.  We should help them."  I shrugged.  "Why?"  He gave me an incredulous look.  "Because they're our friends Lulu."

   My eyes roll for the third time since Theo entered the room.  "Fine then how?"  Now it was his turn to shrug and while he was at it he threw in an eye roll as well. 

   "That's helpful Thee thanks."  I said my voice dripping with sarcasm.  "No problem Lu."  I gave him a dirty look.  Ever since Madeleine had pointed out Loo meant toilet in England I had been against the shortened version of my nickname.  A little bothered by the nickname itself if truth be told.

I sighed in frustration. I couldn't think of a single thing to help. Ultimately they lived really far away from each other. Both of them being in relationships is a good thing... right?

Madeleine Masterson's POV

During their chat...

   "Garrison?  Are you alright?   You look a trifle upset."  I said worriedly looking into Garrison's eyes.  They seemed to have a slight bit of water brimming at the corners.  This caused tears to pool in my own eyes.

   "Are you okay?  You look like you're about to cry Maddie."  Garrison stated quietly.  I tried- and failed- to stifle my newly found tears.

   "Ozzy I'd appreciate some time alone with my friend and I think we've studied enough for the day."

   "Alright Mads?  I don't understand... why has troubled you so?"

   I waved him off.  "Please."  After that he left seemingly saddened by my inability to open up as well as confused.

   "Maddie...?"  I waved Garrison off as well.  "I think I should just... call you back... Gare..." I had never called him Gare before and honestly Garrison sounded better but I was depressed for no reason and needed a minute to pull myself together. 

   Is that so much to ask?

                   Lulu Punchalower's POV

   Garrison and Lulus chat...

   Garrison made a good point.  Madeleine is smarter than him but Madeleine is smarter than most people.  It's that bookworm in her that can't stop eating up all the knowledge she can find on a page.

I think it's gross but to each her own right?

"You already knew that Garrison. She knows things about America most Americans don't know and she does the same thing to other countries." I pointed out which seemed to brighten his mood slightly.

"It doesn't matter anyway 'cause I'm going out with a beautiful girl and she's dating Oscar..." He trailer off slipping back to sadness quickly with a twinge of anger. I think the green eyed monster has come to visit.

"Did she say that Oscar was her bf?" I asked with raised brows. I doubted it. Madeleine totally would have told me if she had caught a fish. Even a scrawny British one. (Anyone reading this that may be English that was a joke. LOVE YOUR ACCENT!)

"No," he admitted with a little more gusto than necessary while still managing to sound gloomy. I rolled my eyes. "But she likes him! Maddie hung up with me just to talk to him! Maddie's never done anything like that before."

I gave him a look of incredulity. "Seriously? Of course she hasn't! Because Madeleine was totally in love with you! Maybe she finally got wise to how unrequited that love was or at least seemed to those of us viewing from home!"

"Love is a strong word Lulu- I mean- do you love Theo?"


"Do you love Theo?"


"Really? Your over at his house all the time. You call him Thee and ever since he lost weight whenever you to are in a room together you glance over at him regularly. So I'd say you definitely like him but is it love?"


I hung up on Garrison so that was all I got from him. I had never even thought of Theo as a potential candidate for dating. I mean- Theodore Bartholomew was a wimp! A statistic loving worrywart wimp!

I called Madeleine next and was surprised by the sight that greeted my screen. A handsome man was gazing lovingly at a pretty raven haired girl with big blue eyes. Garrison is right. I don't know about Madeleine but I this guys been bit by the love bug.

"Hello Lulu! How has your day been going?" I did a quick assessment of her appearance. Face slightly splotchy, eyes holding moisture, and mouth smiling politely. Poor girl was really torn up. She had been crying- but not for long because she had company. Was still holding back tears- which I couldn't help her release because she had company and that's more Theo's area of expertise. She was smiling- which meant that she was really trying to get over it and be happy.

"Oh you know... same old same old." I said with a shrug. "How 'bout you?"

"No changes other than a new study partner from Oxford. He's helping me prepare for when I become a full time college student." She glanced at him and smiled.

"This is Ozzy. You'd love him Lulu he's a genius." Oscar waved with a quick smile then looked back down at his paper.

"Love him already! 'Kay you know what I actually gotta go? So... later!" Madeleine seemed surprised but managed to squeak out a goodbye before I hung up.


Hola! Here is a little Lulu for y'all! I'm thinking about throwing a little Theo POV in the next and a bit of whatever the other girls name was again... I remember all except her name. Hope y'all are enjoying the story! I'd love it if you could vote, comment, and maybe tag a few friends to come read with you... anyways. Love y'all! Until next update, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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