Chapter 2

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Garrison Feldman's POV

It has been a normal morning up until the point where I bumped into Kate. She was the most popular girl in school and she was hot so when she asked me out the words "Sure! Sounds great." popped out before I'd given it any real thought.
The first real thought that came was Madeleine Masterson. Maddie. Maddie! MADDIE! Screamed through in my mind on autorepeat until I called her.
I just felt guilty. I knew she had a crush on me and... she was beautiful. In every way. But she lived in London. That's pretty far away from Miami Florida. 4,426 miles miles to be exact. Or 7,120 kilometers which is still the same distance.
"Hey Maddie! What's up?" Really smooth Garrison. Use that expression that Maddie doesn't understand and finds stupid.
"Nothing much," came the sound of her quiet British voice.  I loved her accent so hard.  "Just feeding my... pet. What is up with you?"
Miss Perfect Grammar strikes again. She always says things so... elegantly. On some people it would be considered stiff but on Maddie it was right.
Our conversation went on and unfortunately instead of discussing what I had originally planned to say in a calm and comforting way I lied, yelled, flaunted my date in her face, and kind of insulted all British people in a way.
All because of what? I can't understand it. I couldn't be... but I was wasn't I? The green eyed monster bit me in the butt and I took that pain out on Maddie.
I just can't believe she has a boyfriend! Or... technically she said he was her study partner. She never even mentioned the word friend almost as though they were assigned partners for some school project.
But Maddie goes to an all girl school doesn't she? It would seem that was no longer true.
Maybe the fact that she didn't use the word friend though wasn't because they're mere acquaintances. Maybe it was because she has a new crush I'm now I'm just somebody that she used to know. (That's a good song isn't it? 'Somebody that I used to know' is totally Keefe)
Ugh! Why was this so difficult? I'm going on a date with someone who I'll actually see in person who is really hot and popular so I need to stop obsessing over Maddie and this... Oscar guy.
Afternoon came and it was time for my date with Kate. A nice diner with absolutely no view of the water sounds perfect.
Thinking about water reminded me of my lie to Maddie. She thinks I'm a surfer and is probably now more insecure about her fear. Why did I lie and say I surfed? I don't even like to walk the shore line- showing up on the beach at all is a good day for me. I've grown but I still. Hate. Aqua. Me and H2O just don't mix well together.
   In other words I'm only some what cured of my petrifying fear of water.  I don't even know how to swim! 
   When my date finally arrived I did t find myself excited or glad to see her and I tried not to wonder what that meant.  Kate and I were perfect for each other.  I was sure of it.
   After we ate she wanted to go for a walk on the beach.  I faked enthusiasm at this idea since I knew it was supposed to be romantic.
   As we walked she chattered on about some stupid crap I cared nothing about while I feigned interest because she's pretty.
   My thoughts drifted as I tried to avoid gazing at the waves that Kate was telling me looked so beautiful.  This is probably the point for a cheesy line like "Not as beautiful as you."  The words slipped out of my mouth just as I thought them.
   She giggled, "Tell me something I don't know!"  Then she kissed me and I her.  It was... extremely pleasurable.
   She smiled at me afterward and I smiled back.  Then Kate went home and I was left in front of an ocean with no one there to distract me from the crashing tides waiting to suck me down to an early grave.  I hightailed it off the beach and away from my greatest fear.
I called Maddie as soon as I got home to tell her about my date as I had promised. "Hey Maddie guess what?" I asked when her fair face framed by onyx hair came into view.
"Hello um... I'm actually still studying with Oscar right now Garrison. Could you possibly tell me what later?"
I frowned my buzz sufficiently killed. "Well... I'd like to meet him so this works out anyway." Her pink lips turned down at the corners and her brows scrunched together in puzzlement. "Whatever for?"
I racked my brain for a reason. " 'Cause I'm your friend Mads what other reason would I have?" She laughed- a soft musical sound.
"Alright then, just a moment please." I nodded as she disappeared from sight. "Ozzy my friend Garrison would like to meet you so if you would be so kind..." The next second after she said that Ozzy appeared on screen.
"Hello, how are you?" Oscar said. I was miffed to find he had a deep but soft voice with the same accent as Madeleine.
"Hey. Hi! I'm great... how 'bout you?"
"I'm excellent! Working with Madeleine is bliss she is so intelligent!" My brain zeroes in on the compliments and the dreamy look in his eyes.
"Ozzy you're to kind but I am the one being truly benefitted by our partnership. You have enlightened me so and I really appreciate all your help on this project."
"Perhaps when we're done with this particular endeavor we could work together again?"
"Oh that sounds lovely Ozzy! I would be delighted!"
"Great! I look forward to it. You could be like my permanent study partner!"
"That would be grand!"
"It surely would be!"
He laughed then she laughed and I steamed in silence. He sure does talk funny. On Maddie it was adorable but on him it was ridiculous and stupid.
"So Ozzy... tell me about yourself." I said once he stopped cackling like a hyena and Maddie had quieted down to. He narrowed his eyes at Ozzy but Maddie didn't seem to notice.
"Well my name is Oscar Armstrong. My favorite color is blue- much like Madeleine's eyes actually. The same hue and everything."
Maddie blushed at that and he smiled. Seriously? Pointing out those sapphire blues? Not cool. Why must girls like such cheesy statements?
"Really? That's fascinating, go on." I said, interrupting his ogling and obvious attempt to gaze into Madeleines eyes. Her flush brightened by the second.
"I am a student at Oxford-"
   "Oxford?  You're in college?"
   "Oh so you've heard of it?"
   "Yeah who hasn't?"  Condescending jerk wad I oughta-  "Excellent, and yes I am in college.  Maddie started taking course now that she's a senior-"
   "You're a senior?"  I asked Maddie in surprise.  "Well... yes.  I'm graduating a bit early.  Not because I'm so much smarter than my classmates but I just enjoy learning therefore have advanced a little faster.  Even so I'm not that young.  Just 15."
   They attend Oxford together.  I'm 16 and a junior.  Summer will be here soon and after that she'll be a full time college student and I'll still be in high school.
   She lives far away.  She's graduating earlier than I am despite the fact that I'm older.  She's rich.  What am I?  An average guy.  Granted I'm a great sportsman and pretty good looking to if I do say so myself but- excluding athleticism- so is Maddie.  I'm from a lower middle class family and if I make it into a good college it will be because of my athletic abilities.  It just suddenly dawned on me and it was shocking. 
   Madeleine Masterson was out of my league.

Hey!  Do you like?  I certainly hope so because I do! (Just kidding 😉) If YOU do please: vote, comment, and tag your friends!  Love y'all!  Until next update, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ps. The picture above I got from online but if you look carefully you'll see that I've added text to it. You don't need to I just thought you may find that interesting. I may do that on all of the images I find so you may want to keep an eye out for that

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