Chapter 4

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Hyacinth Hicklbee-Riyatulle POV

It had been a really long time since Maddie and I had spoken. She never called me and I couldn't figure out why! She also never picks up when I call or responds to my texts.

It was so irritating because Maddie was always nice therefore good to be around when your family says Hyhy I think you ought to visit Celery. Hyhy I am busy right now. Hyhy I need some space. Hyhy leave me alone! Maddie just never said stuff like that... so nice.

There's Garrison but we don't have a lot in common. I mostly just try to call him so I can ogle his hotness. He usually ignores me and my calls like Maddie only he doesn't have a reason. He just says, Stop calling me Hyhy. We all do Zoom on Saturdays. That's catch up day.

Lulu I struggled to get a conversation out of as well. Every time I try to call her she picks up- unlike Maddie who told me, I'm sorry Hyhy but I'm very busy and simply don't have the time for us to converse. At least not often to terribly often- but is rude! She says Hyhy, I already have an irritating friend. His name is Theo. I can only have the one without spontaneously combusting from you guys annoying ways. You want the spot? Hash it out with him. But I can't.

Theo actually talks to me regularly and is an awesome friend. I'd never win the battle! The real problem is I want all of my School of Fear classmates to be my friends not just acquaintances and they don't seem to want the same. I suppose once Theo got muscles to go with his height he'd desert me as well.

Luckily it was Saturday which meant Zoom time! I sat with my laptop and waited for the invitation to appear.

Madeleine Masterson's POV

Lulu was griping at Garrison when I joined Zoom. "Don't be stupid! All you're doing is hurting Madel- hi! Hey Madeleine, what's up?" I cocked a brow at her.

"Hello Lulu. How is Garrison hurting me?" I asked deciding to forgo meaningless pleasantries and idiotic questions such as what's up?

I had never understood that expression. The ceiling, the sky, heavens, universe! Those were up. I not enjoy nonsensical phrases- neither does Ozzy- but it only ever actually bothers me when I am upset. 

   I don't like Lulu talking about me behind my back, I don't like Garrison being the one that she is doing that with, and I don't like Hyhy.  Yet I'm going to have to tell someone to invite her and Theo- though he's fine, he always pesters us to include Hyhy so when Lulu or Garrison host they wait a bit before bringing him into the fold.  I am upset!

   "Tell him yourself."  Lulu demanded causing my pleasant- though fake- smile to drop as I glared harshly.  She shriveled a bit under my gaze as I was not often one to give such looks. 

   "Tell him myself?"  I asked angrily.  "I, am not the one who said I was hurt.  I, am not the one talking about my friend behind her back.  I, am not the one who needs to explain myself Loo.  You.  Are."

   I couldn't explain exactly how enraged with Lulu I was becoming.  I told her if my grievances about Garrison in confidence and she bland the moment my back is turned?  As Lulu opened up her mouth to respond I held up a finger and- shockingly- she shut her trap.  I took a deep breath to calm down, and my fake smile- that I worked so hard to make appear genuine for moments such as these when I am furious but know it to be impolite to show such feelings- returned.

   "Forget it Lulu.  Never mind.  Garrison how was your date?  I recognize I was busy earlier and we didn't really get to talk." 

   "Well... we ate and walked on the beach.  There isn't much to tell."

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