Chapter 4

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We went to a paint store that had all the paint you can think of. I chose some black and greys some Yellow and sunset colours. When we got back I started on my painting. After 3 hours I took a break and got some water

"How's your painting going" mom asked I smiled at her and gave a thumbs up. The door opened and Katsuki came into the kitchen

"Why are you covered in black?" I smiled at him

"She's painting"

"Oh" he got a banana "want to do more school work?" I nodded. We went to my room this time "damn you're a good artist" I smiled. I continued my art work and watched what Katsuki was doing at the same time. By the time we were done his school work my painting was done "holy shit that's really cool" my tail wagged then I went to have a shower. After I got dressed and shook my head then brushed my hair. I went down stairs

"Hey you start school tomorrow you nervous?" Mom asked I completely lot track of everything I didn't even know that, that was a thing time does go by fast. I nodded "don't worry you'll be ok" I crawled into the couch and curled into a ball and laid on her and ended up falling asleep.

"Hey Ren time for dinner" Katsuki said throwing a pillow at me I grabbed it and jumped on his back and brought him to the ground then hit him int he face with the pillow. I stuck my tongue out at him and got off him and went to the table. After we ate I chilled in my room listening to music I didn't hear anyone knock on the door so when I saw mom there I got scared

"Wow it really turned out didn't it" I nodded "I need you to go to bed earlier tonight so you have some rest for your first day tomorrow" I nodded and curled into a ball I was nervous to go there would be so much people.

She sat next to me and started to pet my head "don't worry Eraser Head will be there and Recovery Girl to" I nodded she scratched my head in a place that made my body melt and put me to sleep.

"You got to get up" I woke up to mom petting my head. I yawned and rubbed my eyes then looked at her "go get ready"she got up and left the room closing the door behind her I got up and put some blue jeans on with a white tank top and a plaid shirt. I brushed my teeth and hair then I went downstairs and sat at the table soon Katsuki came down.

"Where is your uniform?" He asked me

"She has it at the school" he nodded

After breakfast mom told Katsuki to walk me to school. A path we were walking through had a lot of pretty trees i kept getting distracted by then He would grab my by my shirt and pull me back onto the path by the time we got to the school Eraser Head was the only one here.

"Hey kid your uniform is in there" he pointed to the door and I nodded and went in grabbing it and going to the bathroom to change into it.

When I got out Katsuki left I went into the teachers lounge and watched as Eraser Head typed

I heard someone from the other side of the door  and I hid under Eraser Heads desk he looked under it confused the door bursted open


"That makes sense now" he said under his breath "hey mic"

"Aizawa who is the girl under your desk. IS SHE SUCKING YOU OFF!?"

"NO DUMBASS she's hiding, It's Katsuki's sister"

"He has a sister?" He nodded "well heya girl what's your name" I went under the desk more

"Her name is Ren"

"Oh is she in your class?"

"Yea" the door opened again and I grabbed my tale as i saw a woman

"Hey Aizawa hey Mic what's up"


"Is there someone under your desk Aizawa"


"Is she su~"

"NO, why do you guys instantly think that? she's hiding"


"Because she's scared"

"Why?" they both asked

"She's not used to being around many people she doesn't know, come out Ren" I slowly crawled out from under the table and looked at the two people that stood in front of me

"Hi there I'm President Mic" he yelled making me back away

"Looks like I'm not the only one that thinks you're to loud" Eraser Head said

"Shut up" I waved at him slowly

"I'm Midnight" she said softly I waved at her "what's your name?"

"Ren" Eraser Head answered

"I'm not asking you" she said glaring at him

"Yea and she won't answer you, she doesn't talk"

"And she's part of the Bakugou's family why doesn't she look like them" Mic said

"Wait she's a Bakugou?" Midnight asked

"Yes and she's adopted that's why" they both nodded I heard a loud beep that made me jump

"Let's get you to class" I nodded.

We walked to the class and we stood in front of people I didn't know, I hid behind Eraser Head.

"Alright class listen up we have a new student" the class went silent and he moved me in front of him "this is Ren Bakugou" everyone looked at Katsuki

"What do you want" he said he looked in front if the class and saw me "oh yea that's my sister" he said looking back out the window

"WHAT!?" Everyone screamed

"Is Katsuki nice?" A pink girl said. I shrugged

"What's your quirk" a red spiked haired boy asked I looked at him and then lifted water out of water bottles out while looking at him looking at him "cool" I put the water back

"She can also turn into a wolf" Katsuki said

"Really" a Barnett asked I nodded.

"Is Bakugo your twin?" Someone asked I shook my head

"Of course not look she has a completely different appearance" a blue hair boy with glasses said

"She's adopted" Katsuki said "and don't expect any of your questions to be answered she doesn't talk"

"Take a seat" Eraser Head said "you can introduce yourselves at lunch" he started to teach the class that went on for hours.

Eventually the bell went off again making me jump when everyone started to get up so did I. I started grabbing my stuff when I a person stood in front of me.

"Hi I'm Izuku Midorya" he put his hand out to shake and I slowly put my hand in his. "Wanna eat lunch with us?" I tilted my head confused "my friends they are nice" I nodded and we walked we got to the cafeteria and I looked at the people at a table that Midorya sat down. "Sit down" I sat next to him.

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