Chapter 11

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Ren's POV

I cried I hurt my boyfriend the one person that cared for me the one person that swore to protect me I felt so bad I couldn't handle it. after Aizawa came and realized what all happened, we went to recovery girl to fix up Kami after we went to the conference room I was left in the room with a bunch of pros I was so scared what were they going to do it was an accident I didn't mean to hurt someone I love. Once all Might came in it all started

"Hey Ren What do you remember?" A hero asked I didn't answer I refused to talk I was afraid to

"She doesn't talk remember dumbass" Aizawa said "this doesn't just happen it's the league of villains she has a past with them they are trying to get her back they shoot these darts at her to make her lose control" Aizawa said rolling the dart from today at All Might.

"Is this true" a woman with horns asked I nodded at her

"What's your past with them" the same hero asked

"SHE DOESNT TALK!" Aizawa said angrily


"Well she doesn't so leave it"




"Did you listen she says she refuses though" the cow lady said "ok I respect that thank you" I nodded and calmed down a little

"What's your story with the league?"

"She tried to steal from them for survival before adoption and ended up being turned into there lap dog not by choice and when she gave false rumours and threaten to tell the police about what they were doing to her she was almost beaten to death before I saved her" Aizawa said

I nodded approving the story

"If they want her back why don't we give her back" the hero said

"Rock lock what the hell no, what are you thinking" the cow girl said

"I'm being real but listen here then want her why don't we give her to them she can give us information on the inside and we can locate and get rid of the league of villains forever"

"That's risky they could kill her"

"But they want her for information let's give her false information to tell them"

"She's still a student my student are you forgetting if she dies we are all shit for it right"

"I'll do it" I said everyone looked at me and went quiet

"Ren why"

"To stop them once and for all I'm done with their mind games"

"You can die"

"Does anyone else have a plan then" everyone went quiet "didn't think so, so let's get working on it" we discussed things to tell the league lies and rumours after an hour I was aloud to leave and Kaminari was waiting for me I looked at him sad to make him this sad. When we got back to the house he cooked and ate we laid in bed and I cried a lot

"Kami I'm sorry"

"I told you it's not your fault"

"Doesn't mean I cant be sorry" I was sorry for what I did to him from the dart but I was apologizing for what I was going to do to him I loved this guy I didn't want to hurt him I never did and I never do but I have to. So i can save many other people this is what hero's do take risks

It was like this for a month but tonight He sang me to sleep the same song as every other night putting me into a dream I really hated

Flashback/ dream

I walked down the road as I past a grocery store I went into it and grabbed bread and ran out successfully stealing my lunch. before I could take a bit a felt a hand on my mouth

"I won't hurt you as long as you listen to me" A tear went down my face I tried to get away but he dragged me into an old house and tied me to a bed every hour or so he would come and shove his cock down my throat and raped me I was only 10 I hated this life

I woke up in cold sweats I got up carefully not waking up Kami and grabbed one of his hoodies so I remember his smell I wrote a note then went back to his room and kissed him on the forehead and left the house.

I walked for a while until I reached a bar I opened the door and took my hood off

"Well look what the cat dragged in" the blue haired male said

"What do you want" I said

"My information"

"Fine I'll give it to you as long as you let me go after"


"All Might doesn't have a successor yet, his power is becoming weaker but he is still amazingly strong. they have no data about where you are I haven't said anything. Yes he works at UA, he has reached a limit to his power before he can't use it anymore"

"And What is that"

"6 hours of hero work a day, that's all I know now I'll be on my way"

"Not so fast keep in mind you are still our lap dog"

"I'm nothing to you anymore that was the deal"

"Yea but I changed it around while you were talking so now you stay or die"

"You have nothing against me anymore"

"Bakugou your new family is a threatened thing now so be wise" I clenched my jaw

"Don't you hurt them"

"Then stay our lovely lap dog"

"Will you hurt them if I stay?"


"Fine you have me" plan was a go I was afraid if I was being honest but I couldn't freak I have to do more than I expected here but as long as this is figured out

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