Chapter 2

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I backed away a little, I wasn't used to seeing other people besides Eraser Head and Recovery Girl

"She's really shy" recovery Girl said

"Does she talk?" The blonde asked recovery girl shook her head "what's her quirk?"

"From What we have witnessed she has something to do with water and wolves not fully sure yet, we don't know her backstory but she is very gentil"

The blonde nodded "I'll take her in" she smiled at me. A small smile creeped onto my cut lip.

Recovery girl went to get some papers "hey I'm mitsuki bakugou I'll be taking you home. I have a son that I'm sure you will get used to" my tale wagged and recovery girl came back and the blond signed the papers. I looked at them and saw they were adoption forms. My tale wagged a little more

"Grab your other stuff" recovery girl said passing me a backpack.

I only did have colouring and sketchbooks, and some hygiene items like a tooth brush and hair brush. I didn't have shoes and my only socks were blood soaked and in the garbage. I put my backpack on and sat back on the bed with my tale still wagging.

"Let's go" the blond said recovery girl walked with us for a while before she was called we went down the elevator that scared me and got off on the first floor. The smell was familiar

"HEY KID YOU STILL HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT FOOD" a guy yelled I hid behind the blonde lady

"FUCK OFF she stole food because she was hungry and didn't know better leave her alone" I looked up at her shocked I've never been defended before so it felt weird. The guy growled and walked away. She looked down smiling at me and we walked to a car.

When it started I got a little scared I wasn't expecting it. I have done many thing that a lot of kids my age have done. Like be in a car, use money, slept in a real bed, had a real family, or lived in a real home I've always watched form the sidelines. We got to a nice big house when she opened the door my jaw dropped it was so clean and nice. She brought me to an empty room with only a bed and dresser.

"This is your room you can do what ever you want in here paint or draw on the walls I don't care just keep it in this room" I nodded "do you want to get you new clothes?" I nodded and my tale wagged again. I put my backpack down and we went into the car again she gave me some sandals that I liked because of the flip flop sound.

When we got to a mall people kept looking at me in disgust it made me feel shame or guilt for some reason. She pulled me closer to her and started to glare at them. She brought me to many stores and I got a lot of clothes and she got me new shoes. by the time we left we had spent over 1 thousand dollars on me. I felt like she was doing to much for me and started to glare at the people that looked at her weird.

When we got back she helped me put my clothes away and helped me in the shower. When I got out I got dressed and she brushed my hair being careful around my ears. "Hey Ren, I just thought I should let you know about my son he's... a firecracker and has a short temper he won't hurt you but he is your brother now ok" I nodded at her she finished brushing my hair and started to make dinner and I just sat on a stool watching her.

The door opened then slammed shut startling me "WHERE ARE YOU, YOU OLD HAG" someone said I hid behind Mitsuki as a tall male came into the room

"hello kat" she said "I need you to meet someone"

"Why are you always doing this I don't care they don't have to know me you hag" I started to growl "What is that is your chicken still alive or something"

"No sit"

"I'm not a fucking dog"

"But I'm your mother" he rolled his eyes and sat down

"What's soooo important"

She looked down at me "Ren come up this is Katsuki my son" I peaked over the counter and his eyes looked confused. He was blond like his mother that was spiked up like a hedgehog and had red eyes.

"What the hell who is this and why is she acting like a cat"

"So remember when I told you that someone was moving in?"

"Yea what about it"

"Well this is her she's your sister"


I turned into a wolf and jumped on the counter and growled at him aggressively making him jump back

"Ren calm down" I got off the counter and turned back into a person.

"What the actual FUCK, WHY"

"She needed a home the papers are signed and all she's the same age as you and will be going to school with you"


"Yea but your teacher Mr. Aizawa said that she could and she will be in you class"

"This is stupid" he walked away angrily

Mitsuki put her arm around me "it'll be fine I told you he was a firecracker just give him time, and don't hop on the counters" I nodded and sat back down and watched her cook again.

The front door opened and I hid again under the counter "it's ok it's just my husband" I nodded and crawled out from under the counter and sat onto the stool again

"Hey honey" the man said then looked at me "you must be Ren nice to have another addition to the family, I'm Masaru"I heard stomping and katsuki came from around the corner




"So you can have a person in the house that can teach you to behave" he growled quietly. I growled at him a little louder. Then he went louder we went back and forth until mitsuki told us to stop.

We sat at the table to eat and everyone was quite. Until Bakugo spoke up

"What's your name" he said I looked at mitsuki and didn't answer

"Her name is Ren"

"I asked her"

"She doesn't talk I haven't even heard her talk same with recovery girl and Eraser Head"

"That's stupid, so wolf quirk?" He looked at me I nodded "is that all you can do?"

"Katsuki" Masaru said

"It's fine darling let him get to know her" mitsuki said. I looked at the glass of water and took the water out making a butterfly with it in the air

"That's cool can you only control water or can you make it to" I made water come from the floor like it was there already and made a rose "cool" he smirked. I just looked at him waiting for him to tell me his. He saw me looking at him "do you want to know mine?" I nodded "explosions" he said making a small one in his palm making me jump the room started to smell like caramel. I smiled at him and my tale started to wag. "You're quiet I think I'll get used to you quickly" he said taking a bite of his chicken. I continued eating and at the corner of my eye I saw mitsuki smiling.

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