Chapter 1

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I felt blood drip off my lip after a sharp pain went through my jaw. I was on my hands and knees holding tears in my eyes that were threatening to fall. My stomach was kicked and I fell to the ground, I held my stomach as I coughed up blood.

"Get the job done right next time" a tall muscular man said

"Josh I think she's had enough" someone said a chunk of my hair was grabbed forcing my head to lift

"Have you had enough?" He asked I was in to much pain to answer he put his hand in his pocket and grabbed some rings and put them on his hand


"SHUT UP SAM!" I saw a fist go to my face and my vision was blurry and my head my dripping blood. Another hit and my ears were ringing.

"JOSH" a muffled voice said. I heard a gun shot, and saw a blurry body fall. Another hit was put to my head. I was dropped and left to die I saw blurry figures getting smaller and people yelling. Someone picked me up I couldn't tell who. I didn't get far before everything went dark.

I woke up in a bed with a needle in my arm I looked around scanning the unfamiliar room beginning to panic. I pulled the needle out and got up but instantly collapsed from my weak legs. The door opened showing a small old woman with a syringe in her hair

"Are you ok there sweetie?" She asked I just nodded she put her hand on me and I moved away from her "I'm not going to hurt ya ok" she put her hand out and I put my shaky one in hers and she helped me into the bed again.

"Do you remember anything?" She asked I shook my head the last thing I remember was a blurry figure of a person picking me up. "Ok, I'll be right back" I nodded and she left the room.

She came back around 5 minutes after with a man in all black and long black hair, and red eyes. "Do you remember him?" I shook my head "well he saved you" I looked at him and he nodded. He walked up to me making my heart race and kneeled in front of me making my breathing speed up

"Hey kid what's your name?" His voice was raspy but gently and kind at the same time.
"I'm Eraser Head" i nodded "do you have a name?" I nodded "What is it?" I was afraid to speak so I said nothing "won't talk, will you write it down?" I nodded he passed me a paper and wrote Ren Alcott he looked at it then showed the woman who gave a sympathetic look in her eyes I tilted my head confused.

"Do you know your parents?" He asked I shook my head then grabbed the paper again and wrote 'they ditched me when I was ten' "how old are you now?" '14' I wrote he nodded and walked away

"She's an orphan where is she going to go" i over heard the woman say. I knew what that word was so I wasn't surprised to hear it and it didn't really affect me I didn't really know my parents anyways

"She can't stay here she'll have to go into an orphanage" the male said

"Or we can find someone willing to adopt her"

"In a weeks time?"

"We can try" the man sighed

"Alright I'll talk to endeavour you should start searching" the woman nodded then turned to me

"We'll be back darling, we are going to find you a home" she closed the door and I was left alone after around 20 minutes I got bored and decided to explore.

I got back on to my pained feet and opened the door a crack and saw a bunch of people walking around. I snuck out and walked looking around, I came across a metal door with a Button I clicked and the door opened. I stared for a while before entering and looking around I found more buttons and clicked another one. The doors closed making me panic a little, they reopened and I ran out. The room I was in smelt really good I followed the sent and came across food. I licked my lips and snook around and grabbed some food.

"HEY KID!" I heard someone yell I turned around seeing someone pointing at me. I stuffed my face with the food and got on all fours making my body shift into a wolf form and started to run the guy followed me for a while before stopping I ran up stairs and into a corner and turned back into a person sat down and started to enjoy my meal.

"There you are" I looked up and saw the old lady "you were hungry weren't you?" I nodded and continued eating. She picked me up like a puppy so I was on my feet I went back down and started to eat again "I'll get you more food if you come with me" my ears perked up I looked at her I stood up and started to walk with her back to the room I was at. she brought me food and I ate. She asked me a question but I was to focused on my food. She left me after.

Everyday she brought me food but today she brought me some clothes as well I looked at them, there was a blue baggy t-shirt and some oversized black sweatpants "this was all The clothes I could steal form eraser head" she left the room and let me put them on. She came back in after with a plate of food my tale started to wag when I saw it. She put the food on the table and let me eat.

After a while I got bored again and hung my head over the bed started to play with the water in my cup I started to make figure eights in the air with it. The door opened startling me the water then dropped on my head I got up and shook my head then looked to see the old lady with another lady she had blond spiked hair and red eyes she was tall and looked nice but also like she could kill.

"So Ren this is Mitsuki Bakugo she'll be taking you to your new home" I tilted my head

"Hello there Ren nice to meet you"

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