Chapter 12

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I was forced into my wolf form 24/7 they got toga to dye my hair red and black and that changed the colour of my fur, a muzzle is kept on my mouth and a chain that is always held or tied up onto something mental so I couldn't get out. They would beat me for the smallest mistakes I made if i tugged to hard on the chain or barked at them to loud I took a notice that a villain that went by Dabi would leave or try to stop shigaraki from hurting me.

One night I turned into a person getting out of the over sized chains on my human body  and I managed to get to shigaraki's dresser and grabbed his phone I put in the number i remembered I went out the opened window and called the number

"Hello this is Eraser Head"

"Mr. Aizawa"

"Which student is this"


It was quite "you got a phone how?"

"I don't have much time but I stole it from shigaraki Tomura get a paper and pen I got details"

"Are you hurt?"

"Yea but I'll be fine, you ready"

"Ok start"

"They are planning on crashing the camp though they are still trying to find it so don't bring All Might It's to risky they also have another villain that is as strong as him and more nomu's"

"tell me about the other villains who is there what are their quirks"

"Shigaraki Tomura quirk decay if he touches you with all five fingered he can turn you to dust, Himiko Toga quirk transform once she drinks you blood she can transform into you the more she drinks the longer she can stay that way, Atsuhiro Sako quirk compress he can turn you into a marble by touching you, Dabi quirk cremation he has a really strong fire quirk, twice quirk~"

"There you are we've been wondering were you are" I saw Kurogiri my heart was beating faster

"shit Doublehecanmakemorethanoneofotherpeople"

"Ren you ok"

"Bad dog who were you talking to" he punched me in the face I put the phone in my pants "I guess I caught you just in time" he kicked me in the stomach making me yelp then dragged me back into the house by my hair

"Where was she" shigaraki said

"Talking to someone they got away"

" I thought you would have learned your lesson by now, toga" toga came to me and cut my cheek she went behind me and gave me a deep cut on my thigh making me yell she kicked me to the floor and put the knife to my throat "Dont kill her just hurt her badly enough"

"Yes boss" she started to cut my throat making me scream

"THATS ENOUGH" I heard Dabi say "if you haven't notice she's going to try to escape no matter how much you guy hurt her" he pushed toga off me and picked me up and brought me to his room I got scared especially after being rape so may times. He put me down on his bed and gave me clothes to change into and patched up my wounds

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I know how it feels to be treated that way"

"Is that why you are a villain?"


"Who is your father?"

"We aren't there yet princess" yet? I needed information but I needed more time to get it. he let me sleep in his bed and he slept on the floor

"Thank you"

"Don't thank me I'm still a villain"

l couldn't fall asleep still uneasy not better at all. I snuck out again threw his window and went to kaminari's house and looked through his window and saw him calling someone it didn't take long for me to realize he was calling me a tear went down my cheek.

kaminari's POV

"WERE IS SHE?!" I was mad I knew they knew were she was

"I don't know we are looking for her" Aizawa said


"We are sorry get ready for camp like i said we are looking for her"

"Whatever try harder" I walked away angry when I got home I called her phone some more but still no answer. where was she. I left voicemails "hey Ren It's me again...." I paused and my eyes started to tear up "please answer your phone I just want to know you are ok that your safe and not getting into trouble a text is all I need please" I hung up and started to cry I only was dating her for only a month and I missed her more everyday I threw my phone at the wall

I looked at my window and saw a figure of a person standing there. Ren. I stood up and ran to my window but the person moved I ran out the front door and the person was gone "DAMN IT" I yelled I went back into the house and went to bed.

The next morning I packed quickly. when I was on my way to the school I saw a poster I stopped and picked it up and looked at it


there was a picture of her I walked away from it and got back Onto the scooter and started to drive I passed Bakugou but I stopped again after realizing he was putting up the posters


"Just because she tried to kill me DOESNT mean she's not my sister.... I still want to find her and I expect answers after"

"Me too"

"You said I don't know the whole story what is it" I looked at him into his red eyes. I walked my scooter and told him everything I knew about Ren

"Shit how did I not know she had it like that I'm such an idiot"

"You just had to gain her trust"

"How long have you guys been together"

"A month" when we got to the school we loaded up right away Bakugou wanted as much information as he could get so he sat next to me on our way there

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