Chapter 14

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Kaminari's POV


"We have to keep it together she has done so much more than you think"


"She won't we are getting her tonight"


"She gave us her location she has no phone to use so we can only contact her when she steals a phone"

"Don't let her die"

"We won't"

Ren's POV

"Why did you become a villain?" He asked me

"Well I had a debt I needed to pay"

"You are CRAZY"

"No I'm creative" I felt Dabi pull me closer to him

"What are you doing you have Kaminari"

"No he thought he had me I'm good at games but when it's real I'll fuck them" I said kissing Dabi I hurt saying it but I had to keep the act up and Dabi fell so deep into it.

"You're a bitch"


"Don't you want to be a villain knowing that your sister is here" shigaraki asked

"Come on Kat it's so much more fun then being a hero"

"Like hell it is" I frowned a knock was place on the door

"Pizza delivery " we all went quiet, confused in that case the wall broke down revealing All Might. 

"How did they find us" shigaraki looked at me "traitor" he ran at me I kicked him away he grabbed my shoe and it turned to dust I elbowed Dabi in the face and punched him in the balls he let go and a hero grabbed me throwing me into the wall

"I got the villains secured" mr. woods said


"Shut up"

"Let her go she's not a villain"All Might said, he let me go

"You little bitch you played me" Dabi said I stopped and looked at him

"I told you I'm good at games" he shot fire at me but I blocked it with water "I'm stronger than you remember that" I saw black coming from around us I fell through a black thing and I ended up by the other villains

"Your stronger than me is that so" a bolt of fire came at me burning my arm

"Yea I'm your weakness" I made water go around him and the others in a dome he tried to get through it but failed. I sensed someone behind me and just in the nick of time I almost completely dodged Shigaraki trying to touch me. He did get ahold of my bandage on my leg turning it to dust

"Playing with feelings really" he said

"Well if I had to get you caught then yea"

"I'm guessing you wanting to be a villain was also a game"

"More then right"

He jumped at me trying to get me again but I moved away I saw Dabi shoot fire at me I dodged it. shoot I must have lost focus. I put him back into the dome and heard him cussing me. I was getting more thirsty by the second. I was brought to the ground and saw toga on my back she bashed my head off the ground again and again once I felt the skin break she stopped and put a knife to my throat.

"You know you ruined my top"

"I don't care" I said with my voice raspy trying to hide the pain I was feeling

"You're so pretty but if you bleed some more you would be so much hotter" I dug my nails into her thigh making her yelp I took the blade of the knife cutting my hand and hit her in the head with the back of it. A huge bang went and I saw a tall male with cords in his head and no eyes and all might starting to fight him

I threw the knife at Dabi who was running at me. Shit I lost focus again. He blasted it with fire but it stabbed his shoulder burning hot he started to yell I took the advantage and ran and kicked him in the head and knocked him out. I was blasted to building I recognized the heat my body felt I saw Katsuki, he jumped at me using his quirk and tried to hit me.

"Kat I'm not the villain!" I yelled

"THEN WHY ARE YOU WITH THEM!" He tried to hit me again but I moved I saw shigaraki.

I pushed Katsuki to the wall before shigaraki touched him. I kicked shigaraki sending him far from me. toga jumped onto my back. I grabbed her neck and brought her over me and slammed her to the ground I felt a sharp pain in my stomach I screamed and saw a knife held to it. I pulled it out and threw it at toga so her leg was I unusable. I put my hand on my bleeding torso and put as much pressure I could to stop the bleeding. I was slammed to the ground by shigaraki holding my wrists,he kept his pinkies off so I didn't turn to dust

"You've been a real pain in the ass" he put his knee on my wounded stomach and made me scream in pain. A tear went down my face and I clenched my jaw. I heard a boom and the body on me got swept off. I sat up to end up face to face with toga. How was she walking. She bashed my head off the ground again making my vision blurry and sound muffled. She put her finger in the wound on my stomach I screamed and flushed her off me with a huge wave I was really thirsty I was reaching my limit and I was already weak enough. I stood up struggling to stand. She ran at me but was blown up to the wall I looked and saw Katsuki.

He stood in front of me without speaking A pillar of ice formed into the sky "what the hell?" He questioned a weird figure shot off the pillar

"BAKUGOU!" It sounded like Kirishima Katsuki looked at me

"Go I'll catch up"

"Don't die I still need answers"

"I know NOW HURRY" he ran and jumped using his quirk I saw toga jump up after him and shot her with a wave of water making her hit a wall really hard she was motionless at that point . I collapsed to the floor and started to breath heavily

"You pain in the ass" I turned around and saw shigaraki with a knife before I could react he cut my eye. I put him in a dome of water then collapsed it making it drown him I couldn't kill him though. I let him out once I though he had enough. at this point I was so dehydrated. A final blow was made and what I saw shocked me for life a small skinny frail looking male stood there in the costume worn by All Might stood there I stood up and grabbed the unconscious body of shigaraki and dragged him to a hero

"What how did you~" she was to shocked to continue talking

"Take him before he wakes up I'll get the others"

"What others" I saw another hero ask me. I pointed to the building that I shot toga to you could still see her body in the wall

"I'll get her" the hero known as Mr. Woods said

"Did you get all these guys" rock lock asked

"I was sent to get information I got it for you" I replied

"Yea we asked for information not the league"

"Would you like them to be let go?" He growled I just growled louder

"Good job kid you did more that expected you are already a hero get her a doctor" all Might said putting his hand on my shoulder

"Thank you does anyone have water?" He chuckled, fire was shot at me

"YOU ARE MORE OF A FUCKING VILLAIN" Dabi. I put water around him but he was able to shoot through it because I was so weak to make a stronger barrier. I mustered up all my remaining strength and created a dome like figure around him and collapsed it so all he could do was breath water once I though he had enough I let him go and he laid there coughing water hero's put cuffs that prevented him from using his quirk and put him in a car from there I collapsed and everything went black.

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