Chapter 15

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I woke up seeing a white roof and a bright room. I was in a bed and I had IV's attached to me. The more I looked around at my body the more cords I saw. I had a bandage around my leg and hand my cheek was patched up and I could only see out of my right eye. I looked over at the door and saw two sleeping blond males sitting in chairs, I sat up and got off the bed and ran to them but the needle in my arm shot a pain through it. I just wanted to hold them I took the needle out and the cords and ignored to beeping I ran to the boys and hugged them. Katsuki went into shock and Kami wrapped his arms around me almost immediately.

Nurses and doctors ran into the room and looked t the empty bed them at us and saw me around them "you're awake" one said shocked

"How long was I out"

"3 weeks"

"What?" I asked

"Sit back down we'll call your parents and Eraser head and we'll tell you everything" I nodded I was brought back to the bed and the IV's were put back into my arms

"What are these for?" I asked

"Well the one we are leaving out was keeping you hydrated and fed, the one on your wrist, is giving you blood you lost a lot when you were in your fight"

"Shouldn't I be fine by now though like have enough blood"

"Well after we cleaned your wounds and patched you up someone forgot to mention you had internal bleeding and you would start to have seizures so we had to drain a lot of it and put more in"

"Who was that asshole"

"You will meet him" I nodded "the last one was from the amount of alcohol you consumed"

"Wait you were drinking" Kat yelled

"No I wasn't, the only time I did was when I was so dehydrated and they wouldn't give me water"

"Did they ever give you water"

"Well when I did a good job on something they told me to do they would give me really good flavoured water. Oh. How did I not notice"

"What about food"

"I'm sure it had it to"

"I'm gonna kill them" Kami said

"This is your last bag so you should be good soon"

"Alright we will be back" I nodded and the doctors left

"So you're an alcoholic?" Katsuki said

"Shut up"

"So can you talk to us now" Kami said

"Kaminari filled me in so just start form when you left" I nodded

"You guys know about the dart right?" They nodded "ok, so after I almost killed you Kat I went to visite the league, they told me they wanted me back and that was the only way they would leave me alone, I said no and then it happened again with Kami"

"Wait you knew where the league was the whole time?!" Kat said

"Y-Yea but if I said where they were you guys would get hurt you were threatened well I was and I couldn't loose more people"

He calmed downs let me continue

"I talked to a bunch of hero and Rock lock suggested that I went under cover. I agreed. The league knew why I was there so they made me stay in my wolf form all the time so I couldn't get out I was also abused while I was there. I hated it but I did what I had to do"

"What about you and the villain Dabi" Kat asked I wish he didn't

"What are you talking about?" Kami asked

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