Surprise Surprise

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A/N so I am very very bored right now and I decided to right so here you go I hope you like it😊

"M-Mom I truly don't know how I did that but I'm scared" Evie said frightened. Regina hugged her."It's okay don't worry" Regina said. "Mom who is um...Robin Hood?" Evie asked. Regina looked sad. "He's an old friend" Regina answered tearing up. Evie looked at her and knew she wasn't telling the truth. "I know your lying to me I can tell he was more than that but I won't push it" Evie said. Regina nodded and they walked out then all of a sudden Regina disappeared in a puff of smoke but it was green. "Mom!?" Evie yelled. Evie started running out the forest and finally found the way out. She was panicking like crazy because she didn't know where her mom went. Then all of a sudden a beam of magic came out of her hand and made a loud noise. "What the heck!?!?" She screamed teary eyed. Emma,Snow,Charming,Henry,and Rumple ran outside while everyone hid. "Evie what's going on?!"Emma asked. Evie is crying. "I-I don't know" Evie said. A beam of light came out her hand but it hit Henry these beams are not dangerous. Henry went flying. "Henry!!" Emma and Snow yelled. "Evie you need to calm down okay just breath and think happy thoughts" Emma said. Henry got back up. Evie starts thinking happy thoughts and breaths in and out. The magic stops. "Evie what made you freak out" Snow asked. Evie wiped her tears. "My mom she disappeared in a puff of green smoke" Evie said. Rumple looked around. "I don't know anyone with green magic in this town" Rumple said. Henry walked over to Evie and hugged her. She hugged back. "Henry I'm so so sorry" Evie apologized. "It's okay Evie I'm not hurt" Henry said. "Okay so I have a plan Evie me,you, and mom will look for Regina and Gold will go look for something that can help along with Dad and Henry go home" Emma said. Everyone nodded and started looking. Gold and David are looking for something that can help with the search while the girls where looking for Regina and Henry was at Granny's instead of home.
With Regina

"Where the heck am I" Regina asked. A green skinned woman walked in. "Hello sister you are in my lair" said the red-headed lady. Regina looked her up and down. "I don't have a sister I'm the only child" Regina stated. The red-head laughed. "Oh darling you wanna hear a story" said the red-head."So our mother Cora had a baby with a gardener then basically she abandoned me as a baby because she wanted to be royal and she knew that in order to succeed in that she would have to get rid of me so she did and then I was carried away to Oz I was the most feared witch there and my name is Zelena" spoke Zelena. Regina looked shocked. "Well Zelena I got an explanation and I apologise for what she did but I must go" Regina said before disappearing in a puff of purple smoke.
With Evie

"So E where was the last place you saw her?" Emma asked. Evie stopped in her tracks and had a memory
Hey E you excited to hang out with the boys and cause terror. *Smiles* Of course M.
End of memory
"At the cemet-" Evie is interrupted by Regina appearing out of nowhere. "Evie there you are" Regina said as she hugged Evie. She hugged back. "Mom where were you?" Evie asked. Emma and Snow looked at her. She explained everything. "Oh.." Snow said. "But Regina I think we need to help Evie out with her powers" Emma said. Regina looked at Evie. "I sorta kinda maybe hit Henry with my magic..." Evie said as she did a guilty half grin. "You did what!? What happened!? Is he okay!?" Regina yelled and questioned. Evie bit her lip. "I'm really sorry I didn't mean to I just started to panic and my magic got out of control"Evie said. Regina looks like she's gonna blow a fuse. "IS HE OKAY EVIE!!??" Regina yelled. "Y-yes I think so he didn't seem hurt" Evie answered. "I'm gonna let you guys talk this out" Emma said as she walked away. Evie sat down on the ground. A/N Just letting you know they are in the forest.
Regina is still angry. "Did you see if he was hurt!?" Regina asked. Evie stayed quiet because she was scared. "Ugh! Nevermind I have to tend to my actual kid!" Regina yelled and then realized what she said. Evie stood up with tears rolling down her face. "Evie I-" Regina started. "No apparently I'm not your actual child and you don't care about me very much so I guess I should just go!" Evie yelled while starting to run through the forest. "Evie please wait" Regina said but Evie was far from her so she just poofed to Henry. "Mom are you okay" Henry said as he hugged her. She hugged back. "Yeah I'm fine are you okay?" Regina asked and answered. "Yeah..wait where's Evie?" Henry asked. Regina frowned. "We got into a argument so I've gotta find her because I said some stuff I didn't mean" Regina said. Henry nodded.

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