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Evie's POV

Ugh...what happened last thing I can remember is being with my Dad and being 10..."Evie! Are you okay? Wake up!" Someone yelled...I woke up. "W-what happened? Who are you??" I ask as I get up. I look around the room then I see two familiar faces. "Dad, Henry!" I say as I run over to them. 'I wonder where mom is?' I think to myself. "Evie? Don't you remember us?" A lady with blonde hair asked me...I think really hard but I don't know her. " who are you guys? The only people in this room that I know are Henry and Dad" I answer. A brunette that I look like comes up to me with tears in her eyes and bends down in front of me. "Sweetie you really don't remember me? I'm your mom..." She says and I just look at her like she's the craziest person alive. " your not my mother's name is Zelena" I answer back and she stands up then walks away. "Regina...." Says a lady with a pixie cut as she follows this 'Regina' Henry looks at me. "Evie do you know where we are?" He asked me and I think for a moment. "We are in a house" I answer and he looks up at dad and says "Guys she doesn't remember anything all her memories are screwed" a older man with dirty blonde hair steps up. "Well then since you don't remember I guess we have to reintroduce ourselves I'm David her right there that's Emma, the girl with the pixie cut is Snow or Mary-Margaret and the one that said she was your mom is-" I cut him off with "Regina" he nods.

Regina's Pov

'she doesn't remember anything about me nothing at all'  I think to myself as tears stream down my face. "Regina? Are you okay?" Snow asked me. "Does it look like I'm okay? My daughter doesn't remember anything about me and on top of that she thinks that my wicked sister is her mother so no I'm not okay" I say to her as I sit on the step and cry. "Regina we will find a way to get her memories back okay? I promise I have hope" she says to me "okay... I'll have hope" I say as I wipe my tears and walk back into the house.

Back to Evie's POV

Regina and Snow came back in then dad kissed Regina. "Are you okay?" He asked her she looked at me then at him. "Not really but I'll be fine as soon as she gets her memories back" She says to him. I look at Emma "So their dating?" I ask and she looked at me with sadness in her eyes. 'Why are these people so  sad' I think to myself. "Oh um..yeah they are kid" She answered me and I bit my lip. "Hey umm...Gina, can I call you that?" I ask Regina and she looks at me then nods. "Can we go on a walk...please?" I ask her and I see her eyes fill with hope and a small smile form on her lips. "Yes of course come on" she said to me as I grabbed my jacket and walked out with her.

A/N heyyy I know I know I've been gone for a moment but y'know my Nana's wedding is coming up and we've been shopping a lot and been busy finding decorations but here's a chapter I hope you like it☺️❤️

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