✨c u t e n e s s✨

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Regina's pov

"Mom...mom wake up" Henry says as he shakes me. I groan and rub my eyes then sit up. "Yes Henry? Is something wrong?" I asked him. He shook his head. "No nothing is wrong but I just wanted to let you know that I'm about to leave" He says to me. I raise an eyebrow. "And where are you going?" I asked curiously. He looks at me in all seriousness. "I'm going to the bar to have some drinks with Evie...mom I'm going to school" He says sarcastically. I roll my eyes. 'Well my sarcasm definitely passed down' I thought. "Oh alright have a great day sweetie" I say as I kiss his forehead. He smiles and walks out of my room before I hear him running down the stairs. I stand up and I'm about to get ready when my door opens again. "Good morning mom" Evie says but she seems like she's hiding something. "Alright what's going on?" I ask her and her eyes widen. She clears her throat. "U-um nothing! Nothing is going on! So uh bye I hope you feel batter! I-I mean better! And Emma be at school of ya need me..I mean Imma!" She says in one quick breath as she runs out my room, closes the door, and runs downstairs. "What the heck just happened..." I ask no one.

Evie's POV

I run down the stairs in a hurry. 'I hope she didn't suspect anything!' I think to myself. When I get downstairs it's hectic! There is pancake batter on the floor and table! There's flour everywhere! And Mal and Ruby are throwing eggs at eachother!! "What are you guys doing????" I ask them with wide eyes. They immediately look at me. "Um well...Ruby why don't you tell her" Mal says as she drops the egg she was about to throw on the floor. Ruby clears her throat. "Heh...well uh we had um...we had a egg fight..." Ruby says looking everywhere but at me. I am sHoOkEtH. I have no words. But then I hear footsteps coming downstairs and I know Henry just left for school. We all start to panic so we run into the closet and hide behind jackets. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY KITCHEN!?" I hear mom yell. I gulp and try to hide deeper into the closet. I hear footsteps running downstairs. "What hap- WOAH! This kitchen looks like a hurricane hit it!" We hear Emma say. "Where did you come from??" Mom questions Emma. "Upstairs...Hook and I ended things so I came over here and Evie told me to sleep in the guest room" She says. I hear mother sigh. "Genevieve Agetha Maria Mills! Get over here now!" She yells and I silently groan. I slowly appear from the closet with Ruby and Mal behind me. "You guys care to tell me what happened here!? And when did you guys come over!?" She asked us with some anger in her voice. I flinched at her tone but I don't think anyone noticed. "Um..sorry mom w-we will clean it up" I say as I look at my shoes. Ruby and Mal nod along. "There won't be one single spot left anywhere Ms. Mills" Mal said. "Good! Now I expect this to be cleaned up when I get home at three! You guys have five hours!" She yells at us and poofs herself to God knows where. I swallow and close my eyes for a moment. "Um... I'm gonna go to.." Emma says as she leaves the kitchen and then leaves the house.  I grab a mop bucket and fill it with water with some bleach and soap in it. I don't know why but there are tears in my eyes. 'Ugh why am I about to cry? Maybe it's just the bleach.' I thought to myself. Mal and Ruby begin scrubbing egg off counters and the walls. I'm mopping the floor.

4 hours and 59 minutes later

Still Evie's POV

Ugh..were finally done! Yippee! I go and lay down on the couch. Ruby and Mal say their farewells and leave. Just as I close my eyes for a nap the door opens and I hear loud laughter. I look up and see mom and Emma laughing at something. "What are you two ladies laughing at?" I say with a smile on my face. Mom smiles at me. "She told a funny joke and we had a encounter with someone who yelled 'Swanqueen is OTP' I still have no idea what it means but...we found it funny." She says and I start laughing. 'Awe man they don't even know what their ship name is... I'll let them figure that out on their own' I think to myself. "Wow that is pretty funny..welp I'm gonna take a nap" I say to them. "Evie I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier...I was just irritated" She says sounding guilty. I smile. "It's okay mom and to admit I would be angry to if I saw my kitchen like that" I say with a giggle. I soon go upstairs and take my nap.

Emma's pov

I don't know why but Regina makes me feel something. I'm not sure what but it's a good feeling none the less.

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