How are you here!?

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While Henry was telling Regina who Violet was there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it" Evie said walking away. She opened the door and saw a older woman with brown hair. "Umm...hi who are you?" Evie asked and the woman looked at her. "I'm Cora. Cora Mills. Who are you?" The woman who Evie now knew as Cora asked her. "I-Im Evie Mills uh come on" She said as she opened the door wider letting Cora in and when she walked in Evie shut and locked the door. They walked into the kitchen and everyone silenced until one spoke up. "Mother?" Regina asked shocked and with confusion written in her face. "Hello Regina" Cora said with a smile and gave her a hug that her daughter returned. When they stepped out of the hug Cora had one question. "Who are you? I mean I know your name but like how do you relate to us?" She asked Evie. And with that question Evie sat down in a chair closest to Regina. "Well I'm her daughter and she is my mother but I am from a different realm and portals opened and I was sucked away from the Isle and now I'm here" Evie said with a smile. Cora smiled too. "Well then that's a.....nice story" she said.

"Well mother what are you doing here aren't you suppose to be....dead?" Regina asked with confusion. Henry took Roland to play with action figures. "Well I'm back an-" Cora was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. Evie groaned "I'll get it" she said getting up and walking to the door. She opened it and saw the one person she didn't want to see. "Hey E" Mal said with a slight smile. "Mal what do you want?" Evie asked with confusion and anger in her tone as she walked out and closed the door behind her. "I wanted to apologise what I said was wrong and I shouldn't have said that...I'm sorry" Mal said but Evie saw through that. Mal didn't mean it. She will make Evie happy and tear her down all over again. Evie has tears in her eyes. "I can't do this anymore Mal you build me up and break me down all the time and what you said this time was enough! I've had enough of all this stuff you have said and I just want it to end but you don't stop and see I have forgiven you wayy to much and I can't do that this time! So....were breaking up" Evie said with tears streaming down her face. Mal looked shocked. "Fine then Evelyn goodbye" Mal said walking away. Evie walked back in to be greeting with everyone in the living room and they all turned their heads to see her tears running down her face. Regina got up instantly and hugged her and she hugged back and let herself cry in her mother's embrace.

30 minutes later in Evie's room
"Wanna talk about it" Regina asked stroking her daughter's hair while her  head is on her in lap. "We broke up" was all Evie said and Regina stopped stroking her daughter's hair for a little then started again. Regina was mad wait no not mad she was a ticking time bomb. "Why?" Regina asked and Evie sniffled. "I broke up with her because she builds me up and breaks me down you know and I got tired of it so I broke up with her" She said with a hiccup. Regina was curious so she asked one more question. "What did she say?" She asked and her daughter sat up and looked her in the eyes. "She said that she nobody loves me and no one cares about me not even you...that I should just die" was all Evie had to say and her mom stood up and headed for the door. "Where are you going?" Evie asked and Regina looked at her and Evie knew that her mother was gonna go off. "I'm gonna go have with Mal" Regina answered and Evie looked at her with wide eyes. "Your not gonna kill her are you?" Evie asked. Her mother looked at her. "Of course not! I'm just gonna talk...yeah talk" and with that her mother walked away and Henry walked in. "Mal's dead" was all he said and Evie said a quick "Yep" then sat on her bed. "Wanna read the story book with me?" Henry asked his sister and she nodded her head. "Sure Henhen" and with that they read their selves to sleep on her bed.

Don't hate me! I'm sorry but.....I had to do it! But it will get better Evie will find her true love and be happy one day I promise but give me ideas for who she should date thx have a lovely day!!!❤️ Cora just came for a while she's still dead she just wanted to see Gina

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