Idk what to call this chapter

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Regina was walking towards Mal's place when she saw her sitting on the corner crying her eyes out. Mal looked up. "Are you here to yell at me too" she asked Regina. Regina sat next to her and said. "No but I am here to tell you that you better not ever in life say anything like that to my daughter again you got that?" Regina warned and Mal wiped her eyes. "Yeah I got that" she answered then got up and walked away. Regina poofed herself home. "Regina what happened with Evie" Emma asked walking downstairs. Regina sat down and patted the seat next to her. Emma went over and sat down. "So Evie broke up with Mal be-" Regina was interrupted "What! Why did my ship break up!?" Emma asked causing Regina to roll her eyes "Swan if you would let me fini-" She was interrupted yet again. "Okay go ahead finish" Emma said
Curiously. "Evie broke up with Mal because they were getting into a bunch of arguments and she had enough this time because Mal said that she should die and no one loves her so that all that happened" Regina finished and Emma had a mixed expression of anger sadness and shock. But before she could say anything Evie came down. "So Henry fell asleep...what are you guys talking about?" Evie asked them. Emma looks at her. "My poor baby" Emma says and hugs her. Evie hugs back and mouths 'did you tell her' to her mom and Regina nodded her head. They stopped hugging. "Soooo I'm gonna see Ruby I won't be out long I promise I just need to talk to her" Evie says to them as she's walking out. "Be home by 11:00" Emma and Regina yell at the same time causing them to laugh.
30 minutes later

"Hello to my favorite Bluenette" Ruby said as Evie entered her room. Evie rolled her eyes. "I'm the only Bluenette in this town" she said truthfully. Ruby muttered a 'true' and they sat down and watched Maleficent.

This is a short chapter sorry I have been busy 😔 I hope you guys like this chapter and yeahhh..... Ummm by my Tattertots

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