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Everyone at Hogwarts noticed when Remus and the other Marauders didn't interact any longer. He strayed away from the group, leaving when they came near, finding excuses to not sit with them in class, and not eating with them.

It all started when Snape cornered Sirius because he was intensely curious about where Remus went each month.

"Maybe you should follow him through the passage beneath the Whomping Willow," Sirius suggested jokingly.

He meant it as a joke, but then he started thinking. If Snape was gone, he wouldn't cause the Marauders any more trouble. Lily would be sad - or not, but James could be able to comfort her.

Sirius shrugged, a smirk on his face. "Only if you're that curious. I'm a good friend, so I can't tell you his secret, but it wouldn't be telling if you found out for yourself."

Snape didn't enjoy Sirius's tone, but he really wanted to find out. He wanted to find anything about the Marauders that could get them in trouble or even expelled. So he did.

On the night of the full moon, Sirius revealed to James that he set Snape up. Sirius laughed, but James was horror-struck. That was the first and only time they had ever gotten into a full-blown argument. James ordered Sirius to go to the Dark Forest with Peter. Instead of going with them that night, James intervened.

James realized that Snape would encounter a full-blown and very dangerous werewolf at the end of the passage, stopping him from going through. Sirius wanted to go, not believing James when he told him Remus was a werewolf, but then he heard the howls and the growls from closer than ever. Snape was absolutely disgusted with James because he now realized that he owed him his life.

KISS AND TELL. ❪ Remus Lupin ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now