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The students exited Hogwarts Express, eagerly talking amongst themselves as they made their way into Hogwarts.

Remus was looking around for Gracelyn, while James was looking for a certain redhead of his. He was bouncing on his toes, unable to contain the excitement of reuniting with Lily after hanging out with her during the summer.

"Now, I know Prongs is looking for Lily, but who are you looking for?" asked Sirius.

Remus froze, gnawing at his lip before turning around to look at Sirius who had a sly smirk on his face. He definitely knew who Remus was looking for since the only girl he had a relationship with was the same girl who gave him the push to forgive the Marauders.

"I - No one," answered Remus.

Sirius hummed. "I'm sure."

Remus sighed, knowing Sirius knew and was simply playing with him. Sirius grinned at that, marching forward and slinging an arm over his shoulders as Peter curiously walked next to them and listened in.

"Gracelyn," he muttered. "I saw her, and Godric, she looked marvelous, Padfoot, but she was different. Not bad, but different. Thing is, she ignored me. Completely walked past me without a glance."

"Well, you didn't exactly talk to her since the letter," Sirius pointed out.

"I didn't have time between studying for O.W.L.s and trying to fix what I had with you lot," explained Remus.

"Thing is, you didn't have anything to fix, Moony. It was just a matter of waiting, which we all did," advised Sirius.

"You've gotten smarter," quipped Remus.

"Harty-har-har," Sirius sarcastically said, rolling his eyes before his eyes settled on Gracelyn hooking her arm with Tobias's arm.

Remus noticed as well, choosing to remain silent and still. His legs seemed to stop working and Sirius was momentarily thrown back when he stopped walking. Sirius tugged him forward, forcing his legs to work.

"Don't look, Moony," advised Sirius. "It doesn't make it better."

Sirius winced at the hurt expression on Remus's face. Remus didn't know why it hurt so much. He had been the one to call off the relationship they had, then ignored her for nearly four months. It wasn't one purpose since he didn't know where she lived so he couldn't visit her during the summer. He just knew that the Lycan side of him that month would be extra furious.

KISS AND TELL. ❪ Remus Lupin ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now