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And so, Remus and Gracelyn began a kissing relationship. Kissing was a good way to release stress. They usually snogged when one of them was stressed or sad, but sometimes, they did it for fun.

Every time he kissed her, she felt tingles up her spines. She could go for hours, no matter how swollen her lips got. She never thought she would be kissing the same lips she always gazed at in her free time.

She would think to the times she watched him eat chocolate bars carefully with those lips of him, only to be reminded that she could taste those same chocolate bars on his lips. She loved the taste of chocolate on him, and when she was on her period, it only fueled her craving for both him and chocolate.

As an experiment, she bit off a piece of a chocolate bar he had given to her earlier that day and placed it in her mouth before kissing him. The strong taste of chocolate hit the two of them. They had always noticed the slight taste, but now it was amplified. Combined with the heat from their mouths, the chocolate melted. They broke apart, Remus chuckling as he wiped her lips with the sleeve of his robe.

No matter how many times they kissed, Remus always left her in a daze and he knew it too. He liked the effect he had over her. Her cheeks were hot and bothered, her lips swollen as she took in every nook and cranny of Remus's face, noticing the beauty marks and freckles on his boyish face.

Remus glanced down, growing embarrassed at her staring. His hands smoothened down the skirt that was rising up her legs. She was sitting on his lap and the way her skirt rose enough to reveal the thigh-high socks she had on was enough to stir something inside Remus that he knew shouldn't be stirred.

"We should work on that Astronomy assignment," he murmured, daring to look back up at her, regretting it immediately as he found himself distracted by her face.

She nodded, slowly sliding off of Remus's lap to gather her needed materials for their Astronomy assignment. No matter how good the kissing was, they had to eventually do their work.

KISS AND TELL. ❪ Remus Lupin ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now