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Gracelyn was worried about Remus. She hadn't seen him in four days. She had noticed in her many days of watching Remus that it was a normal occurrence. She didn't know why, but it seemed to happen each month.

Usually, the Marauders would be missing right alongside Remus, but this month, they weren't. It piqued her interest, but she knew Remus was not friends with them anymore.

"If you keep furrowing your eyebrows like that, your face'll be stuck like that," said Sage as she poked the center of Gracelyn's eyebrows with a finger.

Gracelyn attempted to rest her face, opening her jaw to stretch it before trying to not furrow her brows in concentration.

"You look like you're constipated," retorted Sage, retreating her finger back.

"I'm worried," said Gracelyn.

"I know," replied Sage. "I know you are, but worrying isn't going to get you anywhere. He's not going to magically appear because you're worried about him."

She sighed, nodding before resting her head on Sage's lap. Sage played with Gracelyn's hair, twirling it around her fingers.

They were sitting in a corner table in the library, as far away from Madam Pince as possible. The library was crammed with people due to the O.W.L.s approaching.

Gracelyn was supposed to be studying for the Astronomy and Study of Ancient Runes O.W.L.s, but she couldn't focus because of Remus.

The sound of chattering caused Gracelyn's head to pop up from Sage's lap. Remus, looking absolutely horrid and sleep-deprived, strolled in, eyes scanning for someone before they landed on Gracelyn. Without a spoken word, he nodded his head outside. She got up and followed him out, giving Sage a reassuring smile over her shoulder.

Once they were alone in a corridor near the library, Remus began to speak.

"Gracelyn, I think it's better if we call off our agreement."

"Why?" she asked. Her voice was softer than usual.

He shook his head. "Too many reasons. I just think it's best that way."

"Best for who? For you? What about me?"

"Gracelyn - "

"So, you're just going to take my heart and leave with it?" she asked.

Remus didn't know how to respond. He was taken aback by that. He never thought she would like him in any way, assuming that was what she meant.

"No, you're right. I shouldn't be getting emotional. This was just a fun agreement, right?" she asked, hoping for an answer that wouldn't hurt her heart anymore.

He nodded, mouth dry. "Yeah, you're right. It was just for fun. Nothing more."

Her heart was definitely hurting.

KISS AND TELL. ❪ Remus Lupin ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now