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"Godric, can you believe Wood?" scoffed James. "I'm going to wipe that smirk off his pretty face."

The Marauders were sitting in the courtyard.

"You just admitted you think he's pretty," commented Sirius.

James gave him a hard look. "I didn't ask, Padfoot."

"You didn't. I'm just here to remind you that you called another man besides me handsome," he retorted.

"You're as attractive as my toenail," insulted James.

Sirius grabbed a patch of grass and flung it at him. "You take that back!"


The two began to roughhouse with each other, occasionally bumping into Remus and Peter who were sitting on both sides of them.

Remus's eyes trailed up from his book to Gracelyn who had her back against a wall with Tobias leaning over her, hand brushing against her hair. She was playing with his tie coyly - something that Remus noticed she did often.

Sirius suddenly froze in beating up James, noticing where Remus was looking. In his pause, James had smacked Sirius on the head, but he was unfazed by that.

"Are you staring at her again? It's starting to get creepy, Moony," interrupted Sirius.

James, wanting to know who Remus was staring at, got out from underneath Sirius and followed his line of sight.

"Her? The - The one that's - She has her hands all over Wood!" James incredulously exclaimed.

"Shut up," hissed Remus. "Don't make a scene, you idiot."

"You like her?" James asked. "Hey, isn't she the one we smuggled in my cloak?"

Sirius snacked James's back loudly, causing him to stumble forward and nearly face plant into the dirt. "Glad to see you've finally caught up."

James looked back and forth between Gracelyn and Remus from his place on the ground. "Really? Moony, her? She's - She's a damn flirt!"

"She's not," Remus defended. "She wasn't before. She's just different now."

"Well," said Sirius, a grin on his face, "let's get your girl back."

KISS AND TELL. ❪ Remus Lupin ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now