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The train ride on Hogwarts Express was always riveting. Students were running around as Prefects attempted to wrangle them up and place them into a compartment all while trying to avoid running into the Trolley Witch working for Honeydukes Express. The Marauders would be cackling loudly inside their compartment, the girls would be gossiping, the Slytherin would stick to their dark seats in the front. It was a routine, but someone had broken it.

Gracelyn Cohen seemed to be the name out of people's mouths. Remus wouldn't have known because he was inside a compartment, ears blasted by his best mates shouting while attempting on reading a new book he had picked up during the summer. Peter and Sirius were in a deep game of chess, accusing each other of cheating, while James was listing off ways to approach Lily that day.

Remus closed his book and placed it to the side. "Feeling peckish. Want anything from the snack trolley?"

"I'll take a cauldron cake," requested James.

"Pumpkin pastie," said Sirius.

"Licorice wand," added Peter.

"All right. I'll be right back," said Remus as he opened the door and walked out, closing the door behind him.

He walked through the tiny hallways in search of the Trolley Witch. She wasn't hard to miss due to the array of colors on the trolley, but he still couldn't find her. He took his time, reminding himself that he was in no rush.

"Is that Gracelyn Cohen?" whispered a Ravenclaw.

"Who?" asked a Hufflepuff.

"Are you daft? She's a Ravenclaw. I've never been so glad to have someone in my House. Rowena, look at her!" exclaimed the Ravenclaw, pointing.

Remus, eyebrows furrowed in, turned to where the Ravenclaw was pointing. His eyes widened comically as he took in her appearance. Her face hadn't changed. She still had the fat on her cheeks that Remus adored, but there were tiny but noticeable changes.

She had traded in her two-inch shoes from last year for four-inch heels, her usual bare lips had a glossy coat on top, her eyelashes seemed longer, and she was - and Remus couldn't believe it - strutting around Hogwarts Express.

She stopped in front of a Ravenclaw boy. Remus knew who he was because James seemed to have a rivalry with him. Tobias Wood was quidditch captain of the Ravenclaw team. James was a talented Chaser, but Tobias was just as talented as him.

They began to talk to each other, but Remus wouldn't hear. Based on how other students were slowly shuffling toward them, they couldn't either.

"Missed you this summer, Tobias," she muttered, reaching up to tug his tie.

He chuckled, placing his hand over hers. "You saw me two weeks ago."

She faked a pout. "Well, that's just rude."

He shook his head, laughing. "You're too much." He pressed a soft kiss to the side of her forehead. "People are staring. Go back to your friends, idiot."

She rolled her eyes, letting go of his tie. "Fine."

She walked past Remus without a glance. He stared after her, wondering, What in the name of Merlin just happened?

As soon as she was out of sight from Remus, Gracelyn bolted for the compartment she was situated in with Lily, Emmeline, Sage, and Dorcas. She slammed the door behind her in her haste, causing the girls to look at her.

"I saw him," whispered Gracelyn.

"And?" Sage asked.

"I ran."

Sage groaned, head knocking into Emmeline's shoulder before deciding to rest there. "You're an idiot."

Gracelyn cringed. "I know."

"Did he see you with Wood?" asked Lily.

"Yes, but I was hoping he wouldn't," retorted Gracelyn.

"Wood's one of the most popular boys at Hogwarts, Grace. Even if he didn't see you then, we would have later," retorted Lily.

Gracelyn pouted. "Even after a summer without him, he still makes me feel things."

"Getting into a kissing agreement with Wood might not have been the best way to forget about Remus," Lily advised.

Emmeline and Sage giggled to themselves in their own corner as Lily patted the empty seat next to her. Gracelyn sat down and prepared to be lectured.

"I just... I know he doesn't feel the same, so why should I sulk over it? Besides, Tobias is a nice person. I've played with him since we were in cribs," explained Gracelyn. "And even you admitted you might say yes to a date with Potter!"

Lily huffed. "This isn't about me and you know it. James has been pining after me for years. Plus, he was actually tolerable this summer. I want you to do the right thing for yourself, Grace. I want you to be happy but not at the expense of another boy."

"So you're telling me I should have asked a girl to be in a kissing agreement with me?"

"No! You're not even listening to me, you daft girl," insulted Lily.

Gracelyn only grinned, causing Lily to roll her eyes. She had grown more confident during the summer after she rekindled her friendship with Tobias. They were childhood friends who drifted apart due to his quidditch practices and her studies.

Lily offered her a soft smile. "But still, I'm glad you've grown out of your shell."

"Me too, Lily."

KISS AND TELL. ❪ Remus Lupin ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now