The request

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Juvia solemnly walked to class, head down. She hated asking favors of people working under her father. They always obeyed out of fear that she would tattle, or something just as dumb. She recalled the conversation she had earlier this morning.

Juvia walked into the huge building, with memorized steps, she went to the 23rd floor and stepped up to the reception desk. A pink-haired woman was typing on the computer. Turning to Juvia with a disgruntled expression, her eyes immediately widened upon realizing who it was.

"Miss Lockser! How may I help you? Your father is currently on a call at the moment, but I can notify him of you arrival."

"Meredy, Juvia asked you to please call her Juvia. Please don't call father, Juvia has a request specifically for you." The woman was clearly frazzled, with good reason. One word was all it took from the girl, and she could lose her job.

"May I ask what it is?"

"Could you provide Juvia with Ultear Milkovich's phone number?"

"Why would I know this information?" Meredy was sweating, was their relationship information that was easily accessed?

"Juvia is well aware you are adopted sisters, and just as aware that you call her every Thursday afternoon at exactly 4 o'clock. Do not push these matters." She hated using her authoritative voice, but sometimes it was necessary. The woman quickly copied down the number on a slip of paper and handed it to Juvia.

"Have a good day Meredy."

"You as well Miss." Only after exiting the building, did Juvia realize that she was so into her demanding self that she forgot to say thank you.

She had planned to call Ultear right then and there, but the clock decided otherwise. Quickly grabbing her bag, she threw her hair into a sloppy bun and continued on her way to school. Upon arriving, she was ambushed by Erza.

"Are you coming to the party on Saturday?"

"Juvia is sorry, but she is unable to make it. She has already informed Lucy-san." Juvia attempted to continue on her way, but Erza refused to budge.

"Is this about Gray?" Startled, Juvia backed up and looked into the woman's eyes, How did she know?


"Uh huh. Tell you what, I'll ask again tomorrow, hopefully you change your mind." Nodding, Juvia continued on her way. Sitting down at her desk, a hand quickly set down a piece of paper on her desk. Looking up, she saw familiar long green hair.

"Freed-san?" The man looked rather uncomfortable, rather unlike his usual stoic self.

"This is a note I was asked to give you. I apologize for disturbing you." Turning around, Juvia stifled a laugh. Taped to his back, was a piece of paper stating, Property of Laxus Dreyer. Do NOT touch!, in the blonde man's messy writing. Other students began giggling upon noticing as Freed's cheeks flushed a deep red and he left the room. Smiling, Juvia opened the letter to find a simple note, Meet me by your locker in 5 minutes. -Gray. What? In the middle of class? Was he mad? Juvia fretted as the teacher walked in. After passing in her homework, she asked for permission to grab something from her locker. Racing out of the room, she stopped at her locker. Immediately seeing the tense way Gray stood, she said the first thing that came to mind.

"Juvia is sorry!"

"Uh...okay. So you know your whole 5 helper things?" Juvia was confused, did he want her to stop?


"You said I could give suggestions or whatever, right?"

"Yes, Juvia did say that." Gray began to fidget and rubbed his neck.

"I was wondering if I could make a change your fifth deed."

"Huh?" Juvia was startled, did he want more? Was he going to request that she change schools, too? Or perhaps move to a different city?

"If you want Juvia to leave schools, she will be sure to do so at the end of the semester." Gray choked.

"What? No! That's not what I meant."

"What did you mean, then?"

"I, er..."

To be continued! Those of you also reading Point in line to your heart, are well aware that I hate writing the ultimate corny and drama filled scenes. I'll be sure to update soon, though. Fellow GaLe shippers, have no fear! They will be introduced, soon!

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