the pool

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Juvia was so caught up in her conversation with Levy and Gajeel that she didn't notice Gray come up behind her. That is, until he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Gray-sama!" She blushed.

"Hey, so Lucy told me to ask if you can come to the party tomorrow."

"Oh! Yes, Juvia can come, she just responded to Erza-san!" Levy felt the need to but in.

"Gajeel and I are going, too!"

"You know Lucy?" Gray questioned.

"Well, yeah! We're book buddies!" What a small world. Gray thought.

"Juvia has to buy a swimsuit, though." She paused, "Will Gray-sama come with her?" Startled, Gray stuttered.

"Uh...Ye-yeah, sure."

"YAY!!!" After exchanging phone numbers with her cousin and his girlfriend, they left for the mall. As soon as they stepped in, Juvia was overwhelmed.

"There are so many stores...," she said, in awe.

"You've never been to a mall?" Gray looked at her in confusion.

"Nope! Juvia likes to order online, then she doesn't have to talk to anyone!"

"Uh-huh." They walked into what appeared to be a swim store. Juvia wandered the aisles, examining the styles, before she settled on one. A simple blue bikini with a couple of stars on it. Trying it on she decided it was fine and asked for Gray's opinion.

"Gray-sama, how does this look on Juvia?" Immediately, the man covered the lower half of his face.

"Great! I have to go do something real quick!" He quickly left the store, leaving Juvia frowning. Did it look bad? Juvia shook her head and bought it, waiting for Gray outside of the store.

The next day at the water park/pool.

Gray and Juvia showed up and headed over to their group of friends. Erza was leaning on Jellal, sipping a drink. Lucy was taking pictures of her and Natsu. A young man with blonde hair was taking pictures of a dark haired man who was blushing furiously. Suddenly, Gray was yanked away from Juvia by Erza.

Looking at Gray with pure malice, she whispered, "If you hurt Juvia I'll kill you so hard you die to death." Gray shivered and nodded his head.

"Come on Erza, let's go." Jellal had come over and picked up Erza, throwing her over his shoulder. Gray could see that her ears were bright red.

"Oi, fridge. My girlfriend is better." Natsu had come up behind Gray, Lucy in tow.

"Oh yeah? You wanna fight?" Punches were thrown as insults were shouted. Juvia, upon seeing the sight, laughed so hard, she teared up.

"Lu-chaaaaaaan!" Levy and Gajeel had finally shown up. "Oh! Hey Juvia!" Lucy turned to Juvia,

"You know Levy?"

"She's dating Juvia's cousin." As if on cue, Gajeel lumbered over and joined the conversation.

"BABIES!" A new voice had yelled behind Juvia, causing her to shrink back in fear.

"Bicks! I'm over here!" Lissana had also arrived, pulling him over. One man stood out among the a suit.

"Freed! Why aren't you in a swimsuit?" Juvia asked.

"I feel that the chlorine will damage my hair." She giggled at his excuse.

"Aw come on Greenie! You gotta get wet!" Laxus came thundering over, a large grin on his face.


"Oh yes you are!" the blonde picked up his boyfriend, throwing him in the water, and jumping in right after. Freed surface the water, spluttering as Laxus laughed. Juvia smiled, I never though I'd have this much fun!

"Yo." She looked up, feeling a familiar arm around her.


"Could I have a kiss?" Juvia blushed and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. They sat together, watching their friends.

A/N I haven't decided whether this is the end or not. Feel free to throw in some ideas.

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