Meetings and Curls

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Juvia awoke the next morning, bleary-eyed and craving coffee. Maybe she'd stop by the coffee shop on her way to meet this 'suitor'.

She sighed as she sat up in bed. Juvia would much rather just sleep in and hide from her problems under the blankets.


Juvia grappled for her phone on the nearby desk. Her fingers had barely brushed the screen when she felt her center of gravity shift as she proceeded to fall off the bed with a solid thud.

Blue hair gathered in her face as she stood to brush herself off and finally turned on her phone.

What you up to?

Juvia froze, Gray had never texted her first. She felt a smile forming as she typed out a response.

Getting ready, why?

A response came almost immediately.

wondering if you'd go hang with me

Juvia is sorry! She has to go to a meeting for her father!

She figured that there was no need to go into detail about the meeting, all she had to do was get it over with. Then she could focus on spending time with the people she liked for their personality over money. Turning off her phone, Juvia turned to her mirror.

'Maybe if she made the person dislike her, she would never have to see them again.'

Juvia practiced frowning in the mirror, copying what she had seen on other girl's faces when they walked into a room of less than stellar people. No matter how hard she tried, she could only get a pout, perhaps she had to work on her eyes. Nevertheless, Juvia got ready and began her walk to the coffee shop. The air was crisp even though the sun shone clearly from above. A familiar figure sat outside the shop, causing Juvia to smile.

"Gray-sama!" She ran over to her boyfriend, clearly happy.

"Oh, hey Juvs! I thought you were in a meeting." He stood up quickly, causing Juvia to notice the girl across from him. The girl's bouncy orange curls framed her face as she gazed back with big blue eyes. This girl was the definition of cute, no doubt about it.

"Yes, J-Juvia was on her way the-there," Juvia silently cursed herself for stuttering. As if just realizing how the scene looked, Gray quickly stood in front of the girl.

"This isn't how it looks! Edna and I were just catching up! She's one of the competitors at a competition I met a few years ago," The girl, Edna, clasped onto his arm.

"Oh, isn't Gray just lovely! How lucky you are to be his girlfriend!" Edna paused, "Though, in all honesty, he's known to move around quite quickly on the rink, if you know what I mean," The girl winked as she pushed herself further onto Gray.

ring ding dong (A/N couldn't help it)

Juvia quickly answered her phone, thankful for the distraction.

"Daughter, I expected that you would be on time for once," her father's voice was stern, "Currently, you are 15 minutes late to this meeting."

"Yes, father."

"I'm doing this for you, you know, finding a good suitor."

"Yes father, Juvia on her way," Juvia quickly shoved her phone deep into her pocket, turning to see Gray's rather shocked expression.

"Well I guess you seem to be a floater, too! How lucky for me!" Edna smiled.

"Gray..." Juvia started.

"Don't you have a meeting?" Bowing her head, Juvia hurried away, stomach-churning with frustration.

A/N hahahahaha I keep forgetting to updateeeee

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