Chapter 3: Our First Date

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Jai's POV

Ariana kissed me!!So I kissed her back. Her lips were so soft and I was in the moment. This day turned out to be a very good day. We were still kissing and suddenly the door opens. It was her brother Frankie.

Ariana's POV

I was still kissing Jai and all of a sudden the door opened. It was Frankie!* I stopped kissing Jai* Ari, what are you doing?!! Hi Frankie, I say while blushing. This is boyfriend, I say quietly. What?! When? Why? Why didn't you tell me? Why we're you kissing him in front of of our hotel door? *frankie looks curious* Well he asked me right now, and I really like him, and I was gonna tell you when I got in but I guess you already know, and I couldn't help it, he's too cute, I say. *I start blushing* Well that's a little fast lil kitty,don't you think you guys should slow down? Why don't you guys go on a date so it won't seem like your rushing it. Ok. So Jai when do you want to go on our date? How about tommorrow,Jai asks. Sure I can't wait. Bye, I'll text you beautiful.*i blushed.* K, text you soon cutie. *I walk inside*

You know I'm gonna tell mom,right? Yes Frankie, I know, I sigh. I just can't believe you can get a boyfriend so fast,he yells. *Mom walks in* What's all the fuss about and Frankie why are you yelling? Why don't you ask your daughter what news she had for you, he says. *I frowned but I started to blush when I thought of Jai* I thought to myself that they were gonna know anyways so I started to speak* Well I will tell you the news when everyone comes to the room. *Mom yells to everyone to come to the living room.* Finally you budged, he says smiling. Yah, I did. *everyone came in* What's the news, Alexa asks. Well, I wanted to say that I have a boyfriend I said smiling. You what?! Ariana Grande Butera, why didn't you tell us before,Mom yells wondering. He just asked me today and Frankie thought it was going by so fast, so now we are going on our first date tommorrow. Uhh ok fine, you got lucky this time Ari, but I just want to tell you not to rush into a relationship ok, mom asks. Ok, I tell her. So where have you been all day Ari, Alexa asks. I was going to go to the coffee shop alone, but I bumped into Jai and we both went to get coffee. Then he took me to  amusement Park and I went to  his house to meet his brothers. Oh, I'm guessing you had a great day, says Liz. Yah! Btw i hope you have a great date tommorrow, says Sascha. I hope so, I tell her. Lil kitty, you will be fine on your date and I think you guys will be cute together even though I haven't seen him yet. Don't worry you will see him soon, i tell Issac. Well, I guess I should be heading to my room, I'm tired I say. Ok goodnight kitty,they all say. Tell me if you have a dream about him, Liz laughs. *I walk into my room and Alexa follows me* So did you guys do anything else,Alexa asks curiously. Yah, we kissed each other before Frankie caught us. OMG! Really?! How was it? It felt good actually. He was so cute, I couldn't resist not kissing him. Alexa giggles. Well you should get some sleep, will talk about this tommorrow. K. *i start falling asleep when Alexa leaves the room*

*It's  8:17* I woke up and checked my phone I saw many tweets on twitter tweeting me all night. I tweeted a few people and noticed I got a few messages. 1 was from Liz, 2 from Luke, 1 from Beau, and 4 from Jai. I checked Jai's message first of course. It said, Hi beautiful. Hope you have a good sleep kitty. His two other texts say, good morning lovely. Did you have a good sleep. I texted him back and left my phone on the bed. I went to the kitchen and saw Frankie cooking eggs. I smiled and walked to the living room. I turned on the TV and saw Victorious pop up. I missed that show, but it ended because I wanted to persue my music career. I'm still gonna do my acting career for Sam and Cat, but it doesn't start in 4 months and I'm busy with my music career right now. *phone rings* It was my manager. Hello? Ariana, I'm so glad you answered. I have great news for you,says my manager. What's up? Well I have a new song that you probably might like a singer named Beyonce, you probably know who she is, and she wants to give you a song called Baby I. OMG! Really I really want to hear it. The problem is you have to go back to the U.S.. Wait now?! Idk I thought I was suppose to stay here for around a month? Well Ari, you know this is a good song and this song can get you to the top charts! Wouldn't that be great, it will be good for your career, says my manager. Hmm I guess, when do I get there? Tomorrow, she says. What?!

Am I gonna come back to the Australia after this?? Actually were gonna have to make you do a music video here, so you probably might be here for 2 weeks. Ok, I'll be there. *I end the call* How am I gonna tell Jai? How is he gonna handle it? I need to tell him after our date, I thought to myself. I ran off to my room and started to cry. I'm really gonna miss him.*Alexa wakes up and hears me cry* Ari what's wrong, Alexa asks. She looked worried, i thought to myself. Well I have to go back to the U.S. and do a music video there for two weeks! I won't be able to see Jai for a long time. I'm so sorry Ari, I know this is hard for you. Why don't you try skype or facetime? It's not the same, but I'll try.

*10 hours later*

Jai's POV

It's time for our date! I got out of the cab and went in front of her hotel room. I knocked and saw Ari. She looked so beautiful. She wore a Navy blue dress, white high heels, and nude nail polish. Ari, you look perfect, I told her. She knew I seemed amused. Thanks Jai, you look good too. I have something for you, I tell her. *take a mini present from my pocket* I opened it and showed her what I  gave her. It was a charm bracelet. I know it's not much, but...*she cuts me off* I love it. Oh good.

Ariana's POV

Jai gave me the perfect present a charm bracelet. He is so sweet. This one piece of charm represents our first date which is right now, and every time we have a special moment I give you a piece of charm to attach to your bracelet. You are so sweet. This is the best gift I have ever gotten. I kissed him on the cheek and we both walked out of the hotel.

We headed to the cab. Jai wouldn't tell me where were going since it's a surprise, so I just waited. *cab stops at a beach* Were here, he says. He grabs my wrist and we walk to on the sand. I saw a blanket and a picnic basket and beside the picnic basket were candles. It seemed romantic and so I started blushing. We both sit down. Jai starts to open the picnic basket and gets out seafood food. There were lobster, crab, shrimp coctail, and fruit punch. I really liked what he planned for me.

Do you like it? Yes, i tell him and give a kiss. We talked all night and looked at the stars and walked to a cab. We got to to my my hotel rooms' door. Jai I need to tell you something. What is it, he asks. I know this may be hard for us, but I'm going back to the U.S. to do a music video and I'll be gone in two weeks. I wish I can stay longer but my flight is tomorrow and I can't stand being away from you. I already miss you right now. Tears fall out of my eyes. Oh, I wish you can stay longer, why don't we try to skype and stuff, but it won't be the same, but at least we can still see each other. I know, but remember I'll be back in two weeks. I'm really gonna miss you, Jai says. I give him a kiss on the cheek. I'll see you soon,k? K, I'll always text you and I'll always be there for you. Remember that, Jai says. I smile and enter the doorway. I walk to my room and started to cry while I packed for tommorrow.

Authors Note: sorry if it was short and not good I'll try to make it better and longer in the next paragraphs.

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