Chapter 13: Clues and Findings

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Jai's POV

It has been a week and I still can't find her. Her fans are even worried about her, and they even tweet that Ari hasn't been on Social Media in a while and she's usually on it everyday. Me and Beau headed to starbucks and asked people if they've seen Ariana. None of them knew where they were. Me and Beau started walking to an alley and see something on the floor. It was Ariana's makeup pouch. Beau I think I found something! What is it? Her makeup pouch, she probably headed this way. We both walk through the alley and see Ariana's car. It was still there. She wasn't in there, but her car was there. Ok how can she leave without her car, Beau asks. I told you she was kidnapped, I yelled to him. Ok call the rest of the boys and we're are looking for her today. Ok, Beau says and starts calling them.

Ariana's POV

It has been a week and nobody has found me yet. I'm bruised and I still am not wearing any clothes. But good thing Nathan finally let me wear a bra and underwear. Ok so I'm still in the bed tied up and no one is here. I really hope Jai finds me soon.

Jai's POV

It was 3 pm and the boys finally got here. We were still at her car and then I knew there were 3 abandoned houses across the street. She is probably in one of them. I tell the guys to head to the abandon houses in this area and we looked in the first house. Nothing was there. Beau, James, and Skip looked in the second house and there was still nothing. And we went to the last abandoned house and look inside. The lights flickered and many puddles were in the floor. There was an attic on the top floor and so I went inside. I saw Ariana tied up on the bed with no clothes except for a bra and panty. Ariana starts screaming even tho she has tape on her mouth. I untie her and give her a big hug. I kiss her and now i got my girl again. What happened Ariana? Who did this to you? There's no time to explain, she tells me. Nathan is coming soon. Ok lets go. Jai took off his shirt and put it on me and we walked down the stairs and the boys were behind us except Beau was in front. While we were walking down I notice a car was parked in the front and the door opened and it was Nathan. James quickly called the police. What are you doing with pretty, you think you guys can get away, Nathan tells Jai. Nathan your an idiot and leave me alone. I told you to stay away from my princess, Jai shouts. Well I'm sorry, but I don't listen to b**** that talk c***. Jai punched him in the face and Nathan And Jai started tackling each other. Nathan pushes Jai to the wall and gets out a knife. Before he could cut him by the neck the police came in just on time. Sir, please drop the knife, the police tells Nathan. Nathan seemed scared and he dropped it. The police handcuffed him and we were all finally safe. I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner, Jai tells me. Don't be sorry, it was Nathan's fault. He kidnapped me and you saved me.I hug her. Your my hero, she whispers in my ear. I blush and kiss her. We haven't kissed in a while and her lips were so soft.

Ariana's POV

We all headed to the hotel and Jai cuddled with me the whole time. I will never let you go, he whispers in my ear and we both slowly fall asleep.

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