Chapter 34: I'm here to propose! Wait what?!

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*2 months later*

Jai's POV

Ronnie, please give me a break or something, I plead. I need to see my girlfriend and daughter. I miss them so f***ing much, I plead even more I could annoy myself.

Jai, you could've just asked politely, Ronnie says  and lifts his one eyebrow.

Buddy, I asked already and they said you could have 2 months off and we will reschedule some stuff, Ronnie says.

You could've just said so, Jai says happily and gives Ronnie a manly kiss on the cheek.

F*** Jai! Don't ever kiss my beautiful face again, Ronnie says.

Jai and Ronnie start to laugh.

Ok Ronnie see you soon, I say and give him a pat on the back.

See you Jai, Ronnie says and gives him the finger and waves it high in the air.

Jai just gives him a smile and heads to Luke and Beau.

Hey, Luke I'm goin home, I say happily.

Well if your going home you better get that proposal planned, Luke says.

I know I got it all planned except I don't know if I could afford a ring.

Give her a ring pop, Luke says and starts to laugh at his own joke, until Beau laughed along.

I wonder who would want that as a ring, I say.

Um Riley, Beau says and starts to laugh.

No bro, just no, Luke says and looks at Beau.

If I had to pick a ring for Riley it would be a, Beau cuts Luke off.

A ring pop, Beau says.

Can you stfu, Luke says with his short temper.

Something special, Luke says.

No duh, I say.

Like something that will best fit for her, Luke continues.

I got it, Luke we have some plans to do, I say and we both head to the door.

Oh great another twin time without Beau, Beau says sadly but not to sad.

Fine let's go Beau-tiful , I say.

Thanks little bro, Beau says back.

We all head to the ring shop and look for rings.

Ariana's POV

I was at a club today and Riley was staying at Frankie's for a week.

I miss Jai so much. I literally got drunk because of my depression. I'd only he would always be with me.

Jai never came when my grandfather died a month ago. I knew Jai was busy so I couldn't blame him, but he could've made a little effort for him to make me feel better. Oh well that was the past and I still love him.

Anyways I'm like sitting on a chair and just drank 4 cups of this drink. I feel a little dizzy and I don't feel like I could even go home.

I grabbed bag and tried walking to the door. Instead I fell into some guys hand and he lifted me onto a chair.

Thanks, I tell him.

No problem, the man says. He seemed blurry.

Oh hey Ariana, the man says.

Wait who is this, I thought and tried making my eyes focus. It finally focused and it was Big Sean.

Oh Sean, I say with a fake smile.

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