Chapter 14: My New Album

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Ariana's POV

It has been 3 months and my album has been a hit. Now I finished with the album and I need a new one. I have to have the title and at least 1 song by this month. Jai is in LA for around this month because they have to do some shows there and I'm gonna go to LA to surprise him and that's where I have to be to give my new title and songs.

*days later*

I'm in LA right now and there are so many fans that want autographs nor pictures. When I got into a cab I quickly texted Jai. Hey baby, what you doing?? He texted 20 seconds later saying, "at the hotel eating food. Did you miss me?" Of course I do, I text him back. What kind of hotel are you in, is it those cheap hotel places that are filled with roaches, I text him." No its fancy like you and it's roach free. It's called Four Seasons"." Ok well I gtg I ❤ u", I text him. I ❤ you more, he texts. I know you do, I text back. I tell the driver to head to Four Seasons hotel and I went on twitter and tweeted @arianagrande: I miss my ophelia. A few minutes later Jai tweeted, "I miss my princess" I favorited his tweet and he favorited mine. I love that boy so much. The cab stops and I grab my luggage and head to the front desk. May I help you, the employee says. Yah, I'm looking for Jai Brooks hotel room. Oh yes it's 547 just head to the 3rd floor. Ok thank you. I head to the third floor and reach his room. I knock on the door and Jai opens it in shock. Surprise! Baby you came, Jai tells me. He gives me the hugest hug and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I've missed you, I tell him. I've missed you too. So what are you doing here in LA?? I tell Jai everything on why I'm here. I'll try helping you, Jai tells me. Ok baby. Remember your my everything, Jai whispers in my ear. I blush and the title popped up in my head. I know the perfect title! What is it?? My Everything, I tell Jai. Didn't I just say something like that, Jai asks me. Yah and thank you for giving me the idea. No problem princess.

Jai's POV

I can't believe Ariana named the album after me. She is so sweet. And I thought of another perfect charm to add to her bracelet. Maybe 2. Ariana I'm gonna go somewhere real quick don't go anywhere,I tell her. Ok, I'll just hang out with Skip, she tells me. Ok, hold on I need to wake him up, I tell her. I head to Skips side of the bed and wake up Skip. He wasn't waking up so I got a bucket of water on him and pure it all over him. S***! Ok now that your awake I need you to not let my princess be harmed, I need you to protect her while I'm gone,ok? Ok I'll be her guard dog. Jai, I want you to be my guard dog. Ariana gives me a doggy face. I blush. Ok someone's a little to picky right now, Skip says. Ariana giggles. Ok fine I'll stay with Skip as my guard dog. Ok now that it sounds like you don't have any choices, Skip tells Ariana. Ariana gives him a huge hug. Is that better Baby Daniel?? Yah, I'm getting better.Jai, she's a keeper, Skip tells me. Ariana giggles. Ok I'll see you later princess and dog. Bye, she tells me and gives me a kiss. Skip barks at me and I head out.

I finally got to the store that makes charms and I told the to make one charm a sign that says "Honeymoon Avenue", which is about me. In the back it will say, "Don't look back". The other charm will have a picture of CD and in the back it will say, "My Everything".

Ariana's POV

Skip has been helping with a song for my album. I got half of the lyrics, but no title. Sing it again,Skip tells me. Fine.

Hey baby even though I hate ya,
I wanna love ya
I want you -ou-ou
And even though I can't forgive ya I really want to.
Tell me, tell me baby why can't you leave meh
Cuz even tho I shouldn't want it I got to have it,
I want you-ou-ou
Head in the the clouds, got no weight on my shoulders
I should be wiser and realize what I've got!

I really like it what's it about, Skip asks. It's about the feeling of being absolutely terrified to re -approach a relationship that's gone sour but you want it more than anything. It's about a friend of mine that had this problem. Ariana that is the perfect title. What?! Problem. I love it! Thanks Skip. No problem, Skip tells me. *phone rings* Ariana, for one of the songs you are making I need you to make one with a feature of Iggy Azalea and Big Sean. Ok, I'll try my best. Alright can't wait to hear it soon. Bye. I end the call. I tell Skip what we need to do. Ok lets finish it up, Skip says.

Jai's POV

I had just got my charms back and so I headed back to the hotel. I can hear Ariana singing in the door and it sounded so beautiful. Ari, I got you something. She looks up and runs up to me and hugs me. What is it? Two charms for your new bracelet. Aww Jai thank you, I tell him and kiss him on the cheek. She attaches them onto her bracelet and she continues writing in her song book. So what are you guys doing, I ask them. Well your princess is almost done with her new song. Can I see it, I ask her. Sure, she hands me her songbook and I read it. I love it babe. I always knew you were talented. Thanks Baby. They continued to finish the song and I helped my girl out. The song was perfect and I can't wait for people to hear it. I bet it will be #1.

Your My Everything,Love (jai brooks and ariana grande fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now