Chapter 28: Questions and Photos

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Ariana' s POV

Me and Riley head to the attic and look for some stuff. All I saw were albums of me and Frankie. Ariana! Yah Riley? Look! I look at what she was holding and it was a picture. A picture of us, Frankie,  and my parents. Wait why am I in this picture? My dad said my mom died after I was born. And how come there's 2 of us, I say. Are we twins, we both say at the same time. We need to ask Frankie about this. Kk. Me and Riley head downstairs and I walk to Jai. Jai! Ya babe, find anything?? Ya. I show him the picture Riley found and he was shocked. OMFG! You guys could be twins! I know that's why we were heading to Frankie's. Well eat some cookies before you head on the road, Daniel says. K? I tell him. I'm coming with you, Jai says. Alright and Ariel will need to stay here, I say. I'll watch her, James says. No I'll watch her, James says. You guys can both watch her, I yell to them. Yes my queen, they say to me. I chuckle and continue eating a cookie. All of a sudden the door opens. The world's best uncle is here, Luke says coming in. Where's my neice, he says and looks at us. Wow, there's double of you Ariana. Luke this is Riley, Riley, Luke. Hey Luke! Wow you brought a pretty girl to the house, Jai and didn't even tell me right away. Riley starts to blush. You know they look alike, so your also complimenting Ariana, James says. No there different, Jai and Luke yell. I chuckle. Ok lets go to Frankie's, me and Riley say. Wait are they twins Jai? Were not sure, but probably, Jai says to Luke. Kk tell me the rest later, Luke says. We now are heading to Frankie's and good thing he wasn't going anywhere.

* 10 minutes later*

We finally got there and I knocked on the door. Hey my kitty, Frankie says. Oh and hey other lookin kitty. Frankie we need to talk to you. Um ok come in. Hey Jai. Hey Frankie. Ok so tell me the truth Frankie, are we twins?? What are you- I interrupt. Are we twins? Your the only one that can tell us. Ok, yes you guys are. What, me and Riley yell. I'm guessing you guys want to know why Riley wasn't in your lives, Frankie says. Yah. Ok so I overheard dad and mom talking in the hospital room and they thought I was asleep.

* flash back*

Dad: why do you hate Riley so much?!

Mom: I don't.

Dad: then why do you want her out ?

Mom: I'm sorry but I'm not gonna answer that.

Dad: fine don't answer me. But if you are gonna kick her out, kick me out too.

Mom: idc, I was gonna kick you out anyway. Since no one is gonna take care of her.

Dad: idk how people deal with your attitude. You always want to be right.

Mom: no I don't and don't talk that way to me in my house. And I'm not hard headed.

Dad: whatever. Bye Joan.

* end of flashback*

So we are sisters, Riley says. Yah. Why doesn't mom want Riley, I ask. Idk you should ask her. I will, I tell Frankie. But why didn't you tell me about her before, I say. I thought it was best not to tell you, Frankie says and has a one tear in his eye. It's ok Frankie, I understand, I tell him and give him a hug. Riley hugs him tight too. We should get to know each other soon, Riley says to Frankie. Yes we totally need to, Frankie says. Ok now we have more questions to ask, I say. Are you sure about that babe, Jai asks. Yes I need to get this over with.

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