Chapter 23: Visiting Ariel

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Ariana's POV

I woke up in a hospital bed and Jai was right beside me sleeping with his head down and holding my hand. Ariel was in her lil bed sleeping. Her eyes were close shut and was wrapped in blankets. I started to get out of the bed and walked to my baby. My stomach was in pain and I limped to Ariel's bed. Before I could reach her bed, Jai grabbed me by the hand and carried me back to my bed. Baby, you shouldn't be walking yet. You need to rest. But I want to see my baby. If you want to see her, ask me and I'll bring her to you. Ok, I tell Jai. Jai gets the baby and put her in my arms. * the door started to knock* Jai opened the door and Frankie, Mom , and my friends were here. Hey my little sister, Frankie says. OMG is that the baby?! She is so cute! Aww thank you, I tell him. What's her name? Ariel May Brooks. What a cute name for a beautiful girl, Alexa tells me. My mom walks to the baby and holds her. Hi Ariel I'm your young grandma here, my mom tells her. I laugh, but my stomach started to hurt again. Jai can see I'm in pain so he let me stand up and let me sit on his lap. Everyone carried Ariel and talked about her the whole day.

A doctor came in the room and said that I would be out by tomorrow. Jai? Yah, Jai says. We need to buy stuff for the baby. Oh yah i forgot. Let's go tomorrow. Will help you, Frankie and Alexa say. Will get the food and stuff while you get the clothes bed and other things. Ok thank you, I tell them.

*a day later*

Jai's POV

Babe, let's go! Hold on let me fix my hair, I tell Ariana. After I fix my hair, I head downstairs I push Ariana on her wheelchair and we head to the car. Ariana's mom was gonna take care of Ariel while we were gone. Ok babe, what do we need? Well we need a crib, clothes, and other things, She tells me. Do we get diapers? Nah Frankie said he'll get them. Ok lets go. Me and Jai head to "Babies R Us" and we bought a crib, clothes, bathing stuff, a trash can for diapers, and many more. We headed home and out baby was fast asleep. Frankie and Alexa were sitting on the couch with shopping bags. Ok did you get everything, Ariana asks. Yah. Did you get diapers? I thought you were gonna get them, Frankie tells Ari. No I told you to get them, Ari says. Well I'm guessing you weren't that clear, Frankie says. What is my baby gonna use? Um a trash bag. Remember on Sam and Cat a baby wore a trash bag as a diaper. Ariana seemed serious. Ok you two stop arguing I bought the diapers, while you two were out buying stuff, Mom says. Thanks mom, me and Frankie say at the same time.

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