Chapter 6: That wasn't Jai I kissed

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Ariana's POV

It was 8:30 and Jai was still asleep. I looked under the covers and noticed I still haven't put on any clothes after last night. Good thing Jai wore it last night. I stare at him and kiss him on the cheek. He slowly starts to wake up and I hug him tightly. Hey baby, Jai tells me with a huge smile on his face. Hey. Did you have fun last night?? Yah i did, I tell him. I'm gonna get up, ok kitty, he tells me. No, not yet, I tell him. I never want you to leave my side, I tell him and start blushing when he stares into my eyes. I know, but how am I gonna make my kitty breakfast, he asks me. I smile. Fine, I tell him and he puts on some shorts and walks downstairs. I slowly get out of bed and put on a tank top, shorts and puppy slippers that are very cozy. Jai knew I was vegan so he made me a fruit salad, while he made himself eggs. While he was still cooking I hugged him the whole time and I never let go until we reached the dining table. Baby, I'm sorry but I have to leave in two days because I have a show soon and I have to be there. It alright, I'm gonna go back to Australia next week. He hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. *my phone starts to ring* Hello?? Ari, sorry for the late news but we need a new song for your album and you have to stay for another week. What?! Ok, fine I'll give you one of my songs I'm working on and it's a duet tho so I need you to find me a singer that will sing the song with me. Alright,Ari see you soon. *I end the call* Or I'll probably see you in two weeks in Australia, I tell him. Awww, why?? I have to work on another song and I hope you don't mind. I understand your focus on music right now and you can be a little busy, but I can wait for you. I'll wait too, I tell him.

*2 days later*

Jai is already in Australia and I'm here showing my manager my new song. Ari, I love it!! It is perfect to put in the album. So Ari, I found the perfect duet partner with you. Who is it?? It's Nathan Skyes from The Wanted, she tells me. Ok, when do we start recording?? Probably tomorrow and the music vid will start tomorrow since we're gonna record you singing your song. Ok, I'll see you tomorrow, I tell my manager. Alright, Ariana see you.

I head home and go on skype to tell Jai the news. Jai seemed very thrilled when I told him. So what's the title called, Jai asks me. It's called Almost is never enough. I can't wait to hear the teasers, he tells me. I do too. *Jai's brothers and two best friend walk into the room* I talked to them, including Jai all night. But then they had to end the call, because they were going to rehearsal for there next show. Those 5 boys always make my day. James was my best buddy, Luke and Beau were like my brothers even tho they will be soon, Daniel also felt like a brother to me, and Jai was the love of my life. I layer on my bed and slowly went to sleep.

It was 6:00 am. *alarm rings* I stop the alarm and start to get dressed. I headed to starbucks and got a quick drink and headed to the studio. When I walked I'm I was already being recorded by two cameras. I felt uncomfortable so I just pretended they were never there. I headed to the lounge and saw this man sitting on the couch. Hey, are you Nathan Skyes, I ask him. Yah, I am and you must be the beautiful Ariana Grande. I blush a little and give him a thank you. So are you ready to start? Yah, I tell him. We've been singing and recording for hours and we finally ended for the day. Nathan seemed so sweet. Hey Ari, hope you had fun today. Ya, I really did. Suddenly Nathan kissed me. I kissed him back. And I stopped. I felt so ashamed because I was with Jai. I'm sorry, he tells me. I'm sorry too and run to the restroom. What have I done,I thought to myself and look at the mirror with tears.

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