this is hard to say... (update)

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so, if you couldn't already tell, i haven't updated this book in quite some time. that is because i feel like i am not that deep into this fandom than i was before. this does not mean there won't be any updates anymore, however. this just means that the chapters i do post will stay sporadic. and maybe, this book will be finished soon. i really want to squeeze out chapters for you guys who love this book, and i will. but it's just very hard when you don't feel the way you did going into this. this does not mean i don't like sanders sides or thomas sanders anymore, it just am not a big enough fan anymore to regularly post stories about them. i will still actively respond to comments, and i won't take this book down. i'm quite proud of how far it's come.
i really never thought i would have to make one of these, and that i would be feeling the way i feel.
please do not get mad at me, or try to force me to write, i cannot control the way i feel. i do understand that a couple of you may really like this book, and that these more sporadic updates might be weird or something, but please just respect my decisions. i don't want to have to do this, if i could change it i would. thank you all
~ brynlee

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