Chapter 1

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the windshield wipers sang as they attempted to grasp my utmost attention. Who would've thought I'd be here riding along the highway to hell so soon?(who would've thought the highway to hell would be rainy?). Three months sure flew past quickly. My slightly negative thoughts were abruptly bombarded by the rapid knocks on the window I was leaning on. Still in a daze the opening of the door sent me tumbling. Woopie dooo, who would've thought today could've gotten any worst.
It was at that moment realization had dawned to me.
"What's your problem?"
I had spoken out loud. Again. I hastily scrambled to find my bearings only to trip over my two left feet and tumble all over again. It wasn't until that raspy had spoken again did I notice my surroundings and its inhabitants.
"Names' Luke mute,"
The mystery boy bellowed in a hushed tone.
"Your last name is Mute?"
I asked incredulously, eyebrows knitted together.
"No dimwit I called you a mute as your ability not reply when spoken to had implied you were,"
Luke lashed out so suddenly that I stumbled back and landed for the third time on my butt.
"Calling a random stranger a dimwit and a mute, couldn't you possibly be any kinder?"
I replied in what seemed like an lifetime later, sarcasm heavily laced in my voice.
"Yeah I possibly could but that would mean standing in this drizzle for much longer than I catered for,"
Luke replied as he then proceeded to wiping the water droplets that were happily racing down his forehead. I was about to respond when he shook his wet hands off on me.
Call me slow but it was only then had I realized that 1. It was raining ever so slightly,2. The sperm donor(my biological father) had already driven off and 3. I was sitting, butt swollen on the porch steps of the housing development of my fetus vessel(my biological mother).
After deciding that a grunt would have to suffice as a worthy reply to whatever this random boy had said before, I forcefully pushed myself off the mixed marble floor. It was only after standing on my two left feet I had realized that I had to bend to pick up my god forsaken cell phone.
But before I had made an effort to retrieve the spawn of satan, big slim yet muscular arms had already been closing in on its location.
"Here you go mutey,"
Luke,I believe that was his name, said, almost blinding me with his pearly whites.
Debating on what I how I was to greet my long lost fetus vessel(my biological mother) I barely reached out to receive my phone and ever so softly whispered out a "thank you". I knew that he heard it however because his smile turned into a full-on 32 teeth grin.
At that exactly moment I knew; I had met this toothy grinner before.
But where and how I couldn't recall. So instead of feeding my curiosity, I abruptly made a 90% angle turn, and marched up the off white porch. It was only until I was about to ring the door bell did I realize that what's his name was this standing in the same spot judging by the shadow he was casting beside me. Turning to face him I also realized that he looked like he was in deep thought and to be honest, it weireded me out. Which caused me to say,
"Don't hurt yourself, I can see smoke coming out you're ears,"
a slight chuckle escaping my blended lips. To my surprise my words seemed to jolt him out of dreamland and a ghost smile appeared on his lips as he said,
"I was just wondering how you weren't dropped off with anything other than you're phone."
It almost seemed like there was a hint of concern in his voice but it mostly seemed like curiosity, so I replied,
"Oh yeah, that must seem really weird but it's kinda complic-"
"My sweet darling, I knew I heard you're voice, oh baby why didn't you ring the bell, I wouldv-"
Just as she had cut my sentence short, amusement etched on her face as she peered over me, her eyes fixed on Luke.
"I guess you've met Luke then, but you need to get settled in, so in you go"
Her words barely processed. Why was she being so pushy and touchy and.... affectionate. I knew she meant none of the sweet words she had said. I'm older now. I saw through her facade without even trying but with the curt nod I received from Luke, he failed to do the same. I sighed, it was sad seeing preys fall victim to her charm.
Once the door was closed however, that charm evaporated like water vapor at 154 degrees.
"I really didn't expect him to be so eager to drop you off, but you know the drill, go to you're room, stay there until you're called, no noise, now get out my face before I start regretting you're birth more than I already do."
There was no arguing with her. Her words were final. So as usual, I shrugged off my denim jacket and made my way up the creaking staircase. At least no one can sneak up on me, I thought to myself. I passed one door, then two and lastly stopped in front the third. It was the only option for my room. In all honesty, I didn't know what to expect but when I saw plainness of the door in comparison to the others, I knew it was mine. So I opened the door, and what I saw wasn't shocking in the slightest. The room was as plain as the cedar wood door. The walls were white, furnishings black, and everything else, which simply composed of the bedspread, towel and carpet, were grey. But these colours didn't bother me in the slightest. I moved to open my closet, as usual it consisted of only dark monochromatic coloured clothes that I knew that sperm donor of mine had sent prior to my arrival. However, something was odd, I could tell that my fetus vessel hadn't packed my closet. This neatness was not her handy work. But I learnt to not ponder on things associated with her, it was always and would always be confusing. So I decided to change into something more comfortable and tell my friends that I had arrived to hell. (Who knew hell had reception, that's one hell of a shocker;)
It was only until I felt a chill in the breeze had I realized the window was open. After sighing with relief, I bounced off the bed and threw my phone to the side, off to open the curtains that were also, black. After peeping outside, I realized that this housing settlement consisted of identical houses, with the only seeming different to be the colour schemes. The house to my right was surprisingly close, so close that I could see straight into the room next to mine.

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