Chapter 41

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"Morning periods are free! You all are to go to the gym room and help the cheerleaders prepare. Evening periods continue as normal, that's all!"
As he walked off the stage, students started to get up and file out the doors.
So apparently, the canteen is used for assembly and announcements.
Who would've thought of that?
The principal excused the fact that I had to bring a dog to school to return it. He just asked for Luke to come to his office when the issue was resolved.
Claire was chattering about something.
I couldn't really hear her, my thoughts were drowning her out.
We had of help the cheerleaders prepare the gym room.
Kim was the leader of the cheerleaders.
This was playing right into her hands, and there was nothing I could do about it. Word was spreading that it was my birthday, I don't know how.
Random people, mostly boys, kept sending me greetings.
"The gym room is right next to the canteen."
She was in front again, leading my lost soul. Once we were inside, the entire mood and scenery morphed.
There were people working on banners, some blowing up balloons, others practicing, few on the phone and all of the others were carrying equipment out through a door on the side.
"The cheerleaders have a performance this evening, cheerleading is more important than anything else to this school."
I could've sworn I heard her voice drop.
"Are you on the team?"
"Not anymore, it wasn't really for me."
I figured she dropped out, but something was telling me otherwise.
In the hustle and bustle I heard distinctive voices.
They were barking orders.
A deaf man could've know that it was Kim, every cell in my body wanted to knock her unconscious, but my brain cell were fighting for a better cause.
Claire heard her too, I could tell because she started to figit anxiously.
The voice started to move closer, and closer, until it stopped entirely.
"Amber, I haven't seen you in so long."
"Oh hey Bridget."
She sent me a little wave.
"The girls and I are ditching, wanna come?"
I looked at Claire for confirmation to see her passionately eating Jeremy's face.
I adjusted Ly, who was sleeping in my side bag, and sent a nod in Bridget's direction. She signaled for me to follow her. So I did.
She led right back into the hallway and up to the fourth floor.
Then, she took out a key and unlocked the first door to the right of the staircase.
It appeared to be the deserted library.
Once we were inside, I saw Louis, Martha, Cindy and Megan.
"Before you ask, Tasha is probably somewhere making out with Luke."
Why the heck was she so snappy?
We were all sitting in a quiet circle.
Until Cindy spoke up.
"Since nobody wanna ask, what happened the night of the party?"
That's what was bothering them?
"I went to use the bathroom, felt sick, Luke brought me home."
I left our key details because I didn't know these girls well enough to be totally honest, what if they use it against me later on?
Bridget spoke up next.
"I was gonna come looking for you but the bathroom keys were gone. Then Luke just up and went to look for you on his own."
Louis interjected.
"That really made Tasha mad. She started muttering about you getting what you deserved so we wanted to know if she had done anything to you."
Should I tell them? Probably.
Was I actually going to? No.
I can't trust people just because they show concern.
Megan looked me in the eyes.
"So nothing else happened?"
"Not one thing."
A blatant lie.
Cindy decided it was time to change the topic.
"So what's up with that blonde?"
"Which blonde?"
"The one that's gonna die soon if she doesn't leave Luke alone."
"Cindy Amber doesn't know about Kim's father."
When Louis finished her sentence, she looked at me and added.
"Do you?"
I shook my head. She sighed.
"I suppose you should know. Amber, Kim's father is the leader of the gang that Luke, Mark and some other guys are part of."
Kim's father is a gang leader?
He's the leader of an actual gang?
Luke was part of a gang?
Why didn't he tell me?
The means, that the guys in the library,
was probably members of the gang too.
Was Keith a member?
Did they go to do gang stuff Saturday when they left?
A lot of things still didn't make sense.
How does being in gang cause Luke to be engaged to Kim?
Why didn't he tell me what had gotten me involved with?
Was this what Kim and Luke was talking about in the bathroom yesterday?
How did everyone know about the blonde?
Was he boasting?
I only told Claire, and Kent... and all the guys that were there.
I could've very well been the cause of the information spreading.
But nobody I told could've told Kim,
how did she hear?
Did the guys tell other people?
"Damn I think we killed her."
A round of laughter followed.
"Nah,I was just womdering who the blonde was."
Everyone went silent. It made me feel as if they actually knew.
"Do y'all know who she is?"
They all avoided eye contact. So I turned to the girl that brought me here.
"Bridget, do you know who the blonde is?"
"Amber you don't know what she looks like?"
"I guess she doesn't, if she knew she would've known who she was."
It was getting aggravating.
"Who is she?"
"Tasha told us to not tell you. Kim's orders."
Kim's orders?
"To hell with Tasha and Kim, the girl is close to someone you're really close to."
I rolled my eyes. I knew that already.
They were close enough to mix juices.
"No I mean...Amber don't get mad..."
"Who is she?!"
"Amber the blonde is Claire's twin sister, Rachel."
I felt myself slip onto the floor.
"Amber are you okay?"
Claire's sister slept with Luke?
Luke slept with Claire's sister?
Someone needed to explain this to me.
Luke needed to explain this to me.
I knew the girls were talking to me.
Something about tears.
I had the right of cry.
Everything that was already going downhill just jumped on a skateboard, no way to stop it now.
I grabbed my bag and walked out the double doors. I heard footsteps following me. I heard them calling out words. But I couldn't understand them.
I couldn't understand anything.
I needed to go to someone who did.
I raced down the stairs, wiping my tears away along the way.
I walked back into the gym.
The first person to see me was Kareem.
He sent me a sad smile I didn't know he was capable of.
"We don't know where he is."
How did he know that was what I wanted to know?
Did my face really show it all?
The gym was too crowded.
I walked through the side door and sat on the bleachers.
I pulled out the note from Luke that Claire had put there.
It hurt to read. But it needed to be done. I needed to understand.
"Happy Birthday Amber. I'm genuinely sorry for everything. You deserve to know everything. And I'll be the one to tell you.
Meet me under the bleachers. Stand on the red x, bring Lilac with you,
P.s close you're eyes. I have a surprise for you."
Under the bleachers?
The bleachers that I was currently sitting on?
He had a surprise?
Was he gonna give me a gift?
It was my birthday afterall. 
But answers would mean more than gift right about now.
So for answers sake I made my way under the bleachers.
Believe it of not, there was a red x on the floor.
X marked the spot I'd get all the answers.
I looked around, but Luke wasn't here. He was probably hiding until I did as I was told.
Ly was still sleeping in my side bag,
with a sigh, I stood on the red x.
I counted to sixty before I felt someone embrace me. I said the first thing that came it mind.
"Are you really engaged to Kim?"
Fifteen seconds passed before he answered.
I sighed with relief, throwing all my suspicions away.
"I'm sorry for this."
I didn't get chance to question his words nor the change in his tone.
It all went black.
Turns out, x marked the spot were things got even more confusing.

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