Chapter 3

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•~••~•~•~•*change in POV*•~•~•~••~•
It was always quiet when Henry was here. He wasn't usually home, if I had known, I wouldn't have come over. I usually look after the house when Miss Pascal had to go to wherever. You'd think we'd be more comfortable with each other by now but the mere fact that he's been gawking at Amber all night, creating tension so thick I could cut it with a butter knife, made me less comfortable around him.
Now she ran off and has been gone for about 10 minutes, I looked across the table, and took a deep breath.
"Excuse me Miss Pascal but may I go get you're daughter,I'd hate for anything to happen to her,"
She looked shock to say the slightest, but eagerly nodded her head, but then she said,
"Luke I have a favor to ask,"
She took my silence as a means to continue so she did.
"I want you to look after Amber for me, could you drive her to and from school, and maybe get a job so she wouldn't be so bored in this town, I'd really appreciate it,"
By the time she was finished I was already nodding, that didn't sound too bad, what's the worst that could possibly happen? I couldn't tell her no after all. After she was done expressing her gratitude, it got quiet again, I took that opportunity to excuse myself and made a run for the washroom, which was in the middle of the bedrooms upstairs. Once I reached by the door however, I had no idea what to say or do. So I knocked, I knocked three soft knocks. Within a split second I heard three soft knocks from the other side. I had a feeling she knew it was me. The adults would never knock softly, they'd knock the door down. I knocked back my three knocks and then I heard the door unlocked. In the doorway she stood, with a calculating look on her face, I raised my hand ever so slightly to give her a wave as I remembered what she had said earlier, then words tumbled out before I could catch them,
"Nice to meet you Amber"
She smiled, realizing that I had heard what she said at the window, she replied,
"Nice you meet you too Luke,"
in a voice so soft, I barely heard. We stood there staring, until her eyes widened,
"We gotta go back before he comes looking for me,"
she rushed out, grabbing my hand and pulling me with her, she eventually let it go when we reached near the door way. We sat down in silence but Miss Pascal had other plans.
"Luke since you've already met I think you should tell her the news now,"
I sighed, I didn't mean to, but I did. I kinda wanted to tell her on my own but nevertheless, I had to now.
"You'll be enrolling in the school I go to, I'll be picking you up on mornings as well as dropping you home on evenings, if you want, I can try to get you a job at the diner I work at, that's about it."
She chewed slowly, taking in all the information. She did a sorta nod and went back to eating at a regular pace. She didn't so much as glance at me during or after dinner. When she was finished, she excused herself to her room.
•~••~•~•~•*change in POV*•~•~•~••~•
How dare she? How dare she dictate everything like that? She had no right forcing Luke to agreed to do all those things for me. I don't even know the guy. The guy doesn't even know me for heck's sake. At least I have a week before school reopens to get to know him. I can't believe she's basically forcing me to become comfortable with a random stranger instead of being a proper motherly figure in my life. She basically just thrusted her responsibility as a parent unto a guy my age. She hasn't even been living here that long so she can't even know him so well. He's basically a stranger to be but to be fair she's also a stranger to me by default, so I could at least give him a chance. Three small knocks shook me out of my mental argument. I knew who it was. I knew she most likely sent him, but there was still a near zero chance that it could've have been him, that somehow Henry was trying to lure me into another trap. So instead of opening the door, I knocked it three times, as soft as I could. I thought he didn't hear them but then the knocks came in reply causing me to sigh with relief. Again I found myself unlocking the door to a stranger. He looked as if he was about to walk away, head held down. So when I grabbed him by the arm, shoved him inside and locked the door back I knew he didn't expect me to open the door. To say he looked confused would be one hell of an understatement but instead of explaining myself I ending up laughing way too loud. My laughter was cute short when he joined in, his laugh was the most beautiful I've ever heard. It was delicate, smooth but had a slight manliness to it as it bounced off my walls. I didn't realize that I was staring at him until he said,
"Back to being mute I see,"
the biggest grin I've ever seen spread from one cheek to the over.( damn he was one heck of a smiler.) It was contagious. I found myself smiling back. We stood there in silence until he broke it,
"So do you like you're room?"
He sounded quite hesitant and it made me feel uneasy but something in my jelly was telling me to be honest with him, so I ended up saying,
"I really do, but it doesn't feel like she did anything to it..."
in a voice so soft that I didn't think he heard me.(why did I always got quiet around him?) His eyes went wide.
•~••~•~•~•*change in POV*•~•~•~••~•
I really didn't expect her to realize so soon. How was I supposed to tell her that it was I who got her room ready for her? She was thinking about it. I could see it on her face, smoke was coming out her ears, but it was her slight frown that made me tell her the truth.
"She didn't have anything to with you're room, it was me."
I had my head hang low. Awaiting an outburst or even a smack to the cheek but my eyes went wide again when she lifted my face so our eyes could meet,
"I really like it, thank you."
She didn't flip out, why? I didn't understand, I couldn't. This girl...was odd. So when she sat on her bed, patted the spot next to her. She seemed to sense my nervousness because she got up, grabbed her laptop and my hand and plumped us onto the bed.( why is she so strong?) She turned it on and quickly went into her browser, odd right? I briefly saw her wallpaper, maybe that's what she was trying to hide, or was she just eager to watch whatever she was putting on. There was a knock on the door, and somehow I knew that she knew who it was, her steps her unsteady, and so were the breaths she took on the way. She opened it just enough for her to see his face.
"You're mother said to come get snacks,"
his tone made it sound like an order. I really didn't like that man. She stiffly nodded, turned back to me, smiled, walked out the door, turning the lock on the inside allowing it to close behind her. I figured I should've gone after her, but she locked to door, to either keep me in, or keep him out, I went with the latter. So to feed my burning curiosity, I put her laptop on my lap, clicked the red x, and studied her wallpaper. There was no way that the little girl that was staring back at me could be Amber. I knew this little girl, this little girl made my time in that god forsaken children's home so much better, until she left. I haven't seen her since. Why did she have this picture? When Lina left, she left this picture on my top bunk. She had no right. I didn't know what to feel, so when I heard three little knocks, I simply when back into her browser, put her laptop back on her spot and went to unlock the door.

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