Chapter 20

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It had been going on like that for awhile. I held the list and Luke grabbed the items and placed them in the trolley that I was pushing. He was acting like a little kid at a candy store.
His responses were overly enthusiastic.
He had a childish bounce in his steps.
It was adorable.
The list was almost done. Two more lanes of items to go and we were done.
We were well into the frozen items lane when I spoke.
"Hey can you do this lane while I go get a few items on the hygiene lane?"
"Okay sure."
I gave him the trolley and the list then made my way to the hygiene lane.
I grabbed some toothbrushes, a few tooth pastes, sanitary napkins of all sorts, bath soaps, facial soaps, facial washes and wipes. I probably would've picked up more stuff if my hands could've held anymore.
"The trolley guy has returned!"
I heard him before I saw him. I offloaded the items into the trolley and went back to getting what I needed.
I threw in some face marks, shower caps and cotton balls. That should be about everything, now it was timeto cash. I subconsciously waited in the line, packed my items on the counter it be scanned and paid the total.
Luke took the bags with the food and I took the bags with the hygiene stuff.
On our way back, I realized that we wasn't actually on our way back.
"Where are we going?"
"Oh so now you can talk. How comes you were so quiet in the store?"
"I was just thinking..."
It sounded like I was asking him to believe my lie. Which hasn't really off point. He huffed in what seemed to be exasperation.
"Fine be like that."
He continued driving further and further away from my our house, but I didn't dare to question him about it again.
He eventually stopped the car on a dead end, reaching in the back seat to grab a bag with snacks. After selecting a packet of crackers he exited the car.
He opened and closed my door usual, ignoring my confused expression.
To the end of the road, was a cliff and to the side of the cliff was a river.
He help me down the cliff side, as if he himself craved the steps.
At the base of the cliff laid the most beautiful sight my eyes had ever seen.
The water sparkled as the morning sun shone upon it. There were no waves, since it wasn't open water. It was a cove. He took off his shoes, and I did the same. He walked into the water.
But I didn't follow him in. I stood at the start of the water and the end of the sand, yet something still managed to bite me.
"River koi, smaller in size but bolder in colour."
He continued.
"I really didn't mean for the whole cove to be filled with them. They told me I could keep it... and I got angry and threw it in here. One week later I came to realize that it was a she. A pregnant she."
He crumbled the crackers and threw them further into the cove. A dash of orange swam after them.
He laughed at my awestruck expression. He walked back to the shore and sat down on a large piece of rock. He patted the rock beside him.
I strutted to the rock and pulped down.
"I'm sorry."
He looked at me, then back to the water.
"It's okay Amber."
The silence grew comfortable. I grew sleepy. Before I knew it I was yawning.
"Alright sleepyhead lets get you home."
He helped me back up the cliff side and to the car. It probably took a good hour before we reached back home. I'm not entirely sure because I wasn't really fully awake.
He unlocked the front door. The house sounded empty. There was a new sticky note on the fridge but my eyes were too blurry to read it. I sat on the couch while he brought in the groceries.
I heard the door close, then approaching footsteps. Slowly, the footsteps started to retreat and my vision clouded as I fell into dreamless slumber.
I don't know how long I was asleep for. But when I had awakened, the house was empty. I walked into the kitchen. There were now two sticky notes one the fridge. One read,
"I'll be back tomorrow."
And the other,
"Made you some food, it's in the warmer. I gotta go to work. Eat and go back to sleep if you'd like."
I knew the latter was Luke.
I followed his orders. I ate, and went up to my room to resume my well deserved sleep. That was one thing about my cycle. I slept a lot.
Once I reached to my room, I decided to do some things before I slept again.
I had to pack the hygiene stuff I bought, do a facial and clip my ends.
Packing the stuff didn't take that long, neither did applying a facial.
Now as I say in front the mirror with a scissors in my hand, I was having second thoughts.
Luke liked it down. When it was down it was at full length. Does that mean he likes my hair long? Should I not clip the ends? I usually clip my ends every week to keep it even since my hair grows extremely quickly.
People always believed that I clip my ends when I dyed my hair. But my hair colour is natural. It was weird. My mother and father's hair is black, so how I came to be born with golden brown hair is still a mystery.
But I loved my hair. It was the only thing that connected me to my brother.
It held so many memories. He was my hair stylist on my worst days. Even when I chopped it off with a scissors because it wasn't like the other girls own. He built my confidence.
Too bad I never got to hear how he liked my hair best before he left.
I'd always wonder. But I could never decide. What I would give to see my brother. I saw him once after he dropped me home from running away.
And that was last year, on my sixteenth birthday. He came by to drop off a letter. A letter that I never got to read. A letter that my fetus vessel burnt to ashes right in front of me. I never knew what the letter said. I also never saw him after that. So when I saw Jason in that ice cream parlor on Monday I knew it was something important.
I'd have to call him soon. But one thing was bugging me. Kent knew that I was lactose that means that Jason knew too. What better place to hide from someone than somewhere where that person was definite not never go? If they were looking for me, why out of all places would they choose a ice cream parlor to work in.
Maybe I was overthinking. Maybe he just needed some quick cash. That's probably it.
I decided to not clip my ends. I crawled back into bed, and went back to sleep, this time I woke up in a dream, a wonderful one if I do say so myself.

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