Chapter 32

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•~••~•~•~•*change in POV*•~•~•~••~•
"Dog chow for Lilac. What did I miss?"
James, Luke's foster father, walked back in the room with a dog bowl in hand.
He handed it to me and I sent him a curt nod as he walked back to his seat.
"Luke was now giving Amber some good news."
Gina, Luke's foster mother said,answering her husbands question.
"Oh really?"
James raised his eyebrow at Luke, prompting him to continue.
I saw him take an audible gulp before proceeding.
"Well, Mr Ben hires you. He wants you to start as soon as you can."
I chewed on this information. I was hired. When did he get this information? It didn't feel like he found out today. He would've been a bit more excited about it. So when did he find out?
This was not the place to be troubled by my thoughts. So I pushed them all to the back of my mind and smiled.
"Guess I'll be starting tomorrow then.
Willing to spend yours day off showing me the ropes?"
I saw him grin.
"Sure, I can show Lilac where I work too."
I heard Gina laugh and I found myself patting the eating Lilac's head.
I had slipped her onto the floor so she could eat comfortably. When I looked back up they were all staring at me.
"What? Is there a rice grain on my cheek?"
I quizzed while whipping nonexistent food from on my face.
"You like animals Amber?"
It was James's turn to quiz me.
"Mostly dogs."
Gina nodded her head and clapped her hands.
"Well Amber, how long are you here for?"
I knew my time wasn't guaranteed but I felt as if I couldn't tell them that. So I lied.
"Until I finish high school."
"Great. We have you for an entire year!"
Gina looked genuinely happy. It made me wonderful just how lonely Luke had appeared to them. They got him a dog for crying out sake.
"Do you plan to join the cheerleading team?"
I shook my head.
"Luke dated the leader you know."
"Gina! Could you please stop?"
"Oh sorry... are y'all still dating?"
"We weren't... just stop talking okay?"
She sunk down into her chair with a pout. I saw James reach over to run her shoulders. They looked happy together.
Unlike my own parents. It made me happy and sad at the same time.
I found myself looking down at Lilac.
I remembered stopped by that flower store. I didn't think he paid much attention, but she was living proof of otherwise.
"Can Lilac sleepover sometime?"
Luke stopped chewing. James looked to  Gina. Gina looked at me and smiled.
"Of course she can! But her owner would have to sleepover too, she's his responsibility, she needs to learn who her owner is."
I processed her words.
"That reminds me! Luke brought you some food."
Before I could respond she was already on her way to the kitchen.
She came back with a brown bag that carried the diners logo. But she held onto it.
Everyone was basically finished eating.
James gathered the wares and took to the kitchen. He took Luke with him.
Gina signaled for me to follow her.
So I did just that after picking up Lilac.
She took me upstairs. The house was identical to mines. The same slim hallway and three doors to the right.
Two bedrooms, separated by the bathroom. She took me to the last door to thr right. I knew who's room it was.
It was the room closest to mine.
The one where that strange boy was staring at me through.
The one that he had his conquest in.
The one I completely shut out.
But now the door was open from another perspective. The bed was made. The carpet was vacuumed. The bookshelf was orderly. The closet was sealed shut. The vanity table was bare.
There weren't posters on his wall.
There was a little litter box to the right of his bed, right under his window pane.
"Luke sleeps like he's dead so I put the box near the window in case anything happens to fall on Lilac or anything you'll be able to hear her and call him."
I nodded. Why did she think we were so close? How long was she gone for?
How long did she think I was here for?
She was totally overestimating how close we were.
"I like you Amber. You seem to make him happy."
I looked up to her shining eyes.
What was I supposed to say in response to that? I had no idea. So I didn't say anything. I hugged her. She hugged back instantly. Damn she was a good hugger. When she pulled away she whispered something in my ear.
"You're way prettier than that cheerleader girl."
With those last words she walked out the room. I followed behind her slowly, rocking Lilac in my arms.
"Aren't you such a cutie, I'll call you Ly. Lilac is kinda questionable when you don't know the back story."
I don't know why I expected a response but I heard her do a growl in agreement I hope. By the time I was downstairs, Luke was already finished with the dishes.
He was still in the kitchen, Gina was standing in the doorway. When she saw me she smiled.
"Luke! Come walk Amber out!"
"Thanks for dinner Gina!"
"No problem sweetie, you're welcomed anytime."
"Bye Amber! It was so nice to meet you!"
I heard James call out from somewhere in the kitchen.
Luke was waiting by the door. For the first time in days I saw him open the door for me. I sent wave to Gina and a curt nod to Luke over my shoulder as I walked out the door.
He didn't go inside though. I heard the door close, then his voice.
"Thanks for putting up with them."
He was rubbing his neck awkwardly.
"Their nice people."
I was being honest. He simply nodded.
Silence fell over us, until I spoke again.
"Hold Lilac?"
"Oh sure."
He took her from me.
"Here's your food."
He filled my hands with the brown bag in exchange. I nodded. He nodded.
"Thanks for dinner."
"No problem."
I took a step back.
"Well goodnight."
I gave him a little wave.
"I'll pick you up tomorrow."
That made me smile.
"Send Lilac in instead."
I was of course joking. He held his heart.
"Damn that hurt!"
I laughed to that as I decended down the stairs.
"Goodnight Luke."
"Goodnight Amber."
He stayed on his porch whilst I walked up mine. I opened the door and looked across one more time. He took Lilac's paw and gave me a little wave before letting out a girly giggle. I waved back then walked through the doorway.
I heard him open his door but it was only after I closed mine did I hear him close his.
Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

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