~Chapter One~ Are You With Us Agent Morgan?

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 Its day 2,190 since I became a prisoner of SHIELD. For six years they interrogated me, threatened me, even resulted to torturing me, trying to get information out of me on how I became a Shape-shifter. Apparently a simple answer, 'I was born with it!', wasn't good enough in their books. It was better then the real truth.

I suppose, if I tried I could have escaped out of this place. When you spend hours, days, weeks, months in a square it doesn't take long to figure out the routines of every Guard, and Agent that passed through these cells. I knew when they ate, slept, when they had to go to the bathroom, how serious each took their job, which ones were easy to fool. All I had was time. Time to plot every escape scenario I could think of and each outcome.

It would be difficult. Way more high tech security then the places I was used to breaking in or out of. I would definitely have to create some sort of distraction. That wasn't the hard part. The hard part was finding a place that wasn't occupied by a camera or an agent so I could shape-shift into someone else long enough to get away, which was next to impossible.

The first few weeks for me were the roughest. Fury and his team hit me with every tactic from the book they could think of trying to get me to speak about my ability and whether or not their was others like me. As far as I knew, probably not. But, I wasn't gonna tell them that. I wasn't going to make their job easy for them. First they tried the usual good cop, bad cop routine. That was useless.

When I wouldn't speak, they decided to try the starvation tactic. This I was no stranger to. After I got tossed out on the streets by my father when I was 12, I'd sometimes go almost two weeks before finding any food. Most times, it was a half-eaten apple that was on the verge of being rotten. And sometimes when I was sifting inside the dumpster I would come across food that was barely touched that was more then likely thrown out by those rich families that can afford to waste food like that. So if they thought starving me was going to break me. Bring it on.

After a month of not letting up. Fury decided it was time for more harsh measures and started off with threatening me. Except their was just one problem with that. He didn't know anything really about me other then I could change my appearance. He didn't know if I had a family or if I was working for someone. He had nothing, so his threats did very little to sway me.

Then the torture came. SHIELD wasn't known to be this violent when trying to get answers from their prisoners, but usually they don't deal with unique people like me. This isn't the first time I have ever been tortured. It was a long time ago and its not something I wish to remember. I will never forget those people and if I ever got the chance I would kill them all for what they did to me.

A week went by and I was suddenly returned to my cell. I soon found out that Fury had called it quits on he quest to break me. That was strange I thought. Fury didn't struck me as someone who gave up so easily. When he wanted something he went after it, but for some reason this time seemed different.

Days slowly went by as I sat in my tiny little square cage, repeating the same routine day after day. Morning meal, bathroom break, afternoon meal, bathroom break, evening meal, one last bathroom break and then sleep and wake up the next day and repeat everything all over again.

Two years this went on for. I never saw Fury or the other agents in that time. I was almost beginning to think they drugged me and transported me somewhere else, but that thought was quickly answered when I would wake up every morning to mark another line on the wall so I would never lose track of what day it was. Though I was beginning to wonder where I was going to mark next when I run out of wall. I guess I could always use the floor.

It's been 1,825 days. Five years! And I'm still here. To be honest I'm kinda surprised I haven't gone bat shit crazy yet. Any normal person would have by now. Oh right, I forgot I'm not normal. It was early in the morning. Oh, by the way. I ran out of wall and now using the floor to keep track of how long I've been in here. I was scratching in the line, when I heard someone bang on my cage door, indicating that it was morning meal. I forced myself to get up only to stop before the door when I saw it wasn't the usual guard that delivered my meals. In fact it wasn't a guard at all, but Fury.

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